Continued... :D
YURI AND TOUKA REACH AT CIRRIS "Syrup...", "What did they do to...". They both ru his face, as they see his unearthly glowing red eyes, and his discolored skin on his feet and hands... Cirris then says "You came all this way for me, Yui, Touka Chan?", Touka starts "We..." she trembles as she stares at his tortured body and blood covered shirt... Cirris then replies "You're a mess... and it's my fault...", Touka trembles in horror at her friend as Yui said "What did they do to you, Sy..." she passes out as Touka asked "Stupid... Cirris♡". Blackfeathers suddenly stab the weakling's shoulders, Nishio ran to him, "Ci... Cirris!!!". The man replies as they disintegrate "I'm OK.", he hands Yui and Touka to him "Please hold them for me...", Nishio holds the girls, then gives Cirris his scarf... "Herel you fight better with it!". Cirris wraps it on his face "Thanks...", Ayato laughs "Oh, so you came here anyways, I guess Yamori was too fucking gay to finish, a weak nigger like ya... You shoulda stayed up there, you would've still be alive now, don't you...", he fires millions of blackfeathers!!! "THINK!!!!?". Cirris dodges them as Ayata yelled "You really think you can beat me, by prancing like a puss!!!?", Cirris blackflips over the barrage, then dodged again as the vampire screamed "Why don't you stop being a faggot, and kill me already!!!?". Cirris replies "I can't do that, Yui doesn't want me to kill... Plus, Touka Chan'll be upset if I killed her only enemy.", Ayato laughs "You faggot, you're still as fucking stupid as before Yamori, tortured your black inept ass!!! That's why're too fucking weak!!!". Cirris slams him through the floor, "I cannot kill you, so I'll only beat you half to death, Ayato.", he stands over the teen... Ayato screamed "You, kill me?!!! Don't get all cocky, because you got 1 surprise attack in!!!", Cirris replies "You're fighting style is too weak, you need to have a open space to attack, and can not fire your wings right, while in inclosed spaces... This place is inclosed... isn't it?". he jumps Ayato!!! The vampire tries to fire, but feels Rize's kagune stab his leg, then hold him upside-down "Fuck...". Cirris looks up "You won't beat me, unless you're stronger than Yamori...", Ayato laughed "Shut up!!! I'm getting tired of your pretencious, Prattling! "Can't fight in inclosed spaces" my ass!!!", He throws off his coat "Fighting in inclosed areas, is my speciality!!!". Meanwhile Shinohara and Quinzilla try to fight Yoshimura, "Shit... Even the Arata, can't hurt the Owl...", Quinzilla adds "Fuck it... Only Armia could fight him, I wish at very least 3 people could equal 1 of him...". The other investgator helping, is suddenly knocked out... "...I... wish... we coul... on... make...leas... half of Arima...", Shinohara sighs "Oh... This is a 10 person job, we can't win...". Another investogator adds "We already lost, they can't inflict enough damage on his Kagune to hurt him, their Arata is using power from the source he is, they can't keep up with him....", Shinohara looks up "Quinzilla, I'm going to try something...". He asks "Is it reckless?", Shinohara glares "As hell...". Quinzilla glares at the owl "Then I'll join you...", they both charge Yoshimura, Quinzilla repeatedly slices at him, Yoshimura's knocked back, as Shinohara falls from the air, slicing his mask!!!! He slid back "Hows that!?", Yoshimura stares at him... "Too shallow, huh?". He backflips to his partner... "Looks like we hafta try it...", he presses a button on his Arata "Time to eat up.". Marude watches from a van "I hate that "toy"....", meanwhile, Tsukiyama kills a vampire "Mr Hysy San? Why do you not use your Kagune?". Uta replies "Well... because there is 2 people fighting, I don't feel the need to use it?", Tsukiyama smiles "Oh, you don't need to be so modest, Uta San!". Yomo ran to them "We need to go back...", Uta turns "We're not going to Cirris...". Yomo then says "We have, right now... Uta, you should start taking this more seriously.", meanwhile, Ayato fires billions of Blackfeathers at Cirris. The weakling easily dodges, thinking "I get it, he's faster...". Ayato suddenly charged him, and fired at speeds to knock him backward!!! Cirris lies on the ground "But, if he's this strong... why did he...", Ayato suddenly shouted "Ha!!! How ypu like that, Blackey!!!?". He freaks as Cirris's body automatically heals "Ayato... I found out, that psychological pain, is much worse than physical... What's your secret?", the vampire glares... "Haah?! The fuck you mean?!!". The weakling then says "You're strong, so why did you let Touka Chan live? I fought Yamori, and I know his strength, if he fought Touka at that time, she would've died. But, you beat her in one hit, why did...", Ayato suddenly charged "Shut up, you fucking dick! You don't know...". Cirris knees him, then said "SSSH, and listen just like that, I'm talking.", Ayata screamed as blood runs from his mouth! "Don't take me lightly, you've made me sick since the beginning, talking like you know everything, just like FATHER!!!!". He suddenly starts kicking at Cirris, dodges and walks backward... "Why did you protect her?" Ayato trembles in anger as Cirris continues "Ayato, why would you join Aiogiri, what would make you join a place like this?". The vampire laughs "It's amazing, you're so delusional. I don't care about that bitch! I want vengeance!!! I want to fuck her pussy, for ignoring me, when I needed to be in her holes the most!!!"., Cirris kicks his neck hard!!!! Ayato violently ragdolls as the weakling says "I'm finished talking...", he steps on Ayato and pins him with his Kagune "As I said...". Then rams the vampire through several walls "I will half kill you.", Cirris stares at the now scared teen "What do you think the definition of half, is? If it's half kill, then it's something that'll only make you half dead? So I thought, would it be half your body? But then, you can survive without the lower half and die without the upper. Then I thought, what about the organs? But it's so complicated, each one has a specific job in your body, and what about the brain? How would divide and kill it? Then I thought, how about the bones?!! There are 206 in a person's body, I think vampires and humans are the same, if either losses half the bones, they can be considered half dead, the skelaton's perfectly symmetrical too... So, I will destroy 103 of your bones...". He snaps his arm to him "Starting from the arm, will go from the upper arm and forearm first, then the hand. There's one bone called the: humerus, in the upper arm, the forearm is composed of two bones, the bone I broke earlier in the pinky side is called the Ulna. The bone on thumb side, I'm going to break right now, is called the radius. The hand bone is split into three different parts, the carpus, metacarpus and phalanges. There are eight bones that make the carpal group, the pisiform, triquetrum, lunate, scaphoid, Hamate, Capitate, Trapezoid and Trapezium. These bones are all clustered together, so they can be broken together too. The metacarpals are five bones numbered from one to five, there are three kind of bones making up the phalanges, the proximalis, distalis and the media. The thumb is the only bone, without a distal bone. So there are fourteen bones, making up the phalanges, in one hand. If we finish breaking the humerus, then we have gotten all thirty bones of the arm."(Ayato flails violently as his bones are snapped "FUCKËŘ!!! ƒŰĆĶĒŔ!!! FΰČΚΕЯ!!!!"), "Next, let's do the leg. If we count the femur, then there are thirty bones in it, just like the arm. but if we include the sesamoid bones, then there are thirty two bones. There are two bones, each for the, scapula, clavicle, nasal, sternum, lacrimal and palatine. There are twenty four rib bones in total. The maxilla and mandible are made with two bones. Then the Ethmoid bone, añð ťħē śēрнñòïð ßòñē.". Cirris stares at the ceiling as Ayato screms in terrible pain!!!! "Does it hurt? I think Yui and Touka Chan, have experienced more pain than that...". Investigators suddenly charge inside the room!!! "What's all that noise?!!!", "Is there a vampire in here too?!". They see Cirris head tilting to them... "A vampire!!!", "His mask is different than the others!". Cirris turns around "It can't be helped...", they're all suddenly torn to pieces, by Noro!!! Cirris looks at him... "This guys also apart of Aoigiri, then I'll have to...", he feels Yomo touch his shoulder!!!? "Stop.". He turns to see him, Uta and Tsukiyama standing behind him. "Mr Yomo..." Cirris says, Yomo closes his eyes "Cirris, that's enough. Rest for a while.". Cirris watches them... "I'll have to kill him later, I only watch until they finish the fight..." he thought, he then looks up "Why did he look so scared?". The vamps walk to Noro, "Look at that mask, shall we give him a kiss?" Tsukiyama laughs, Yomo glares "Take him serious... Let's go!!!". Tsukiyama rushed him "Shape me, shape me!!!", Noro countered, knocking him back "Dolce", Uta suddenly rams both arms through his ribs "No response, huh.". Yomo rushed him "Keep him thee, Uta...", he kicks his head off!!! Noro's kagune reached out and pulls him back... Yomo stares "His kagune's so strong, even beheading doesn't kill him?", Tsukiyama leers "Oooh, I wonder how he tastes like♡?", Yomo glares as Noro waits... then hears a ringing!!!? Noro pulls out his timer, then goes to eat Ayato... Yomo sighs "...We don't need to fight him...", they walk out "Let's go...". Meanwhile the CCV and Sosuke kills many vampires and the Mario Bros... Sosuke runs ahead of his team then happens to see Cirris out a window... "Eyepatch? But what he's doing here?", Cirris stops and looks up at him "...". He then turns and leaves "Wait... there's something I want to ask you." Sosuke asks... Meanwhile Shinohara and Quinzilla move at inhuman speeds as their Aratas eat them! A investigator watches "They're moving so fast, they're keeping up with him!!! But can a human, move the same as a vampire?!", Shinohara stops "I... I can't go as...", he starts coughing blood!!!? "It's eating me!!! I... have to pull it off!!!". Yoshimura then said "What a dreadful weapon. The world, is filled with people who would scramble to torture eachother, and it goes without saying naturally, both sides try to justify their actions. Your equipment is a symbol of that. A good reason to kill someone does not exist, the act of taking a life is evil. If it's true that something like souls, exist, then the Arata doesn't on lending you it's power.", he pulls his hood over his head "It's time.". He rushed away as the soldiers shoot at him!!! Quinzilla yells "Call Marude to send some Medics here, we're pulling these things off!!", he holds Shinohara "It's just like before... all of us were injured, but no one was killed... The owl has changed...". A investigator ran to Marude "Sir, we controlled buildings 1-8, we won!!!", Marude shouts "Ah yeah, ell everyone we saved their halfassed selves!!!", his partner calls "Alright...". Marude then gets a call!!! "Oh fuck, they already heard of my accomplishment!!! Hello♪", he hears Arima "Marude San?". Marude laughed "Hey Arima!!! While you were playing in your pussy, I cleaned up the 11th ward!!! Hahahaha!!!", Arima replies "That's great to hear... but this is a emergency: The 23rd Wards, Vamp attention center was attacked, and the culprits were the 11th Ward's main force... I will also be going there, eventually...". Marude shits himself "...The main force?", meanwhile Tatara asks "Bucuo, we were able to get to the SS floor... humans are complete idiots, aren't they Eto? For them to fall for such a simple diversion, is too idiotic. Despite their appearance the CCV is laughable...", he then shivered "Now let's GTFO, we already reached our goal, let's go before he shows up!", Eto stood up "Okay!". She stops "Tatara sauce... How many of our people died?", he replied "200?". She then said "Then let's kill too make up for 200 vampires!", he replied "Right.". Meanwhile Nico and another clown watch Aiogiri set on fire "My lovenest is gone!", "Nee San, you're too engrossed this time around. You even ignored my calls!". Nico replies "I thought Yamori♡ could fill the hole in my heart, but all he did was open one in my stomach!!! Geez, I was fed up with that!". The clown replied "But you were such a convenient woman Nico nee, by the way, did you find out who the 1 eyed king was?", Nico replies "There isn't anyone like that there... it's like this...". He whispers in his ear... he jumps "Really?". Nico backs up "But Sou Chan's like that, right? Once humans stand in a deep pool of despair, I wonder why they come out so beautiful?", Sou asks "You mean, 1 eye kun?". Nico replies "Yes, he hanged so beautifully! I'm unsure if we can play with the muse anymore...", Sou stood up "Nico nee... It's too late for you to play with anyone anymore...". Nico retorts "Do you wanna die?", the clown jumps "I mean, scavenging for men is all right, but please don't forget about us...". Nico head tilts "I know already, I had neglected you guys♡ recently, so I thought I better show my face soon...", he puts on his clown mask! "The 1 laughing to the end, is the clown!". Sou claps "Yay!!!". Nico laughed "I'll continue making jokes until my death, super nasty ones too!".
MEANWHILE, CIRRIS STARES INTO THE SUNRISE... HE THEN HEARS FOOTSTEPS SURROUNDING THE CLIFF "Cirris!", he turns to see his friends surrounding him! Banjou then says "Looks like, you're done here...". Cirris replies "Yes... I am.", he turns toward everyone... "I'm done with Anteiku, with the mission, and Soul Hoshi...", Yomo steps to him "What do you mean?". Cirris replies as his eyes glow a brighter red... "I am, not human... I never was one... I am the arc angel...", Nishio walks to him "Cirris, the shit are you talking about?!!! What about home? What about Anteiku? What about the academy?!". Cirris replies as his shirt disintegrates "I am not part of Anteiku... I am not of Soul Hoshi or earth... I am, the arc angel Michael". His clothes transform to a long white robe... Touka walks to him "But, what about your friends? You? Or Yui?", Michael replies "You are still all my friends, but I must do my mission as the servant of God. This is my hidden self, like Yui's princess form... And please tell her... I said goodbye...", he turns as Tsukiyama ran up to him "Wait, Cirris Kun!!! Allow me to come with you!!!". Cirris replies "You may assist me, from here..." he kneels by him "But if you do anything unnecessary, I will kill you.". Tsukiyama gets a erection "Cirris Kun, BADASS MODE!!! He's become harder to eat, (like my dong) This arouses my appetite even more!! Good thing I didn't eat him back then!!!", Michael turns back to the sunrise... "I will fulfill my mission, and detroy all evil upon the earth... starting with this damned city...". He flies into the moonlight "Looking into the sky, I see the same moon standing there, the words he said repeat in my head, "This world is wrong" and tainted...I think, if the world is wrong, then the things that twisted must be: Everything that exist in this world.".
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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