A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Shattered Wish Grasp
ALMOST EVERY SOUL HOSHI NOTTINGHAM SOLDIER, WATCHES THE NEWS FROM ANTEIKU. AS MICHAEL KILLS MANY CCV INVESTIGATORS AND VAMPIRES... THE NEWS ANCHOR REPORTS "It's been several weeks since the "Angel of Death" blighted all life in Tokyo, the thing has destroyed both CCV and Vampires the same, and seems to have no respect of species for either... The CCV has tried attacking the thing, but has little to no success in hitting it, and even less when a weapon actually hits it: The thing doesn't even so much as flinch from anything the CCV, has developed so far... Wi...", Zolo glares at the tv screen "Dammit, he's attracting all the attention!!! I ain't never gonna get to get in the spotlight, with that boy always showing off!!!", Banjou adds "It's not completely all his fault, something probably snapped, while he was being tortured?". Kimi sighs "This thing... is the thing that CONSTANTLY wanted to fuck me? I'm a little freaked now...", Nishio laughs "That shitty nigger, was too self conscious to touch you, even now, he only has a bloodthirst, you dont need to worry your shitty self over shit!". She glares at him as Uta laughs "You guys were suppose to be soldiers then? And he's fucking up your mission?", Touka answers "No, like vampires: he's trying to help, there's reason for this... we're just seeing it....". Seirro adds "Yeah, Cirris knows what he's doing! Give 'em hell, bro!", Zolo glared "That nigger's screwing up our mission...", Mira sighs "If Yui was awake now, he'd probably snap outta it... And stop pretending you care about the mission for real, Zolo... Dammit, who'd fall for that retarded crap?".... A WEEK LATER, THE CONSTANT MURDERS, LED THE CCV TO LOOK FOR VAMPIRES MUCH MORE HARDER. THEY FINALLY FOUND ANTEIKU, HIDDEN IN THE 20TH WARD... The boss looks outside... "They're coming, news that Anteiku hordes Vampires and is working with a non government academy, has spread the organization... We will, have to start our fight now...", he turns toward the soldiers and vampires "Cirris Kun has already destroyed Aoigiri and many in the CCV... The only threat left, is the CCV, as there are few who might consider "good" within their army. We nevertheless, need to fight against the investigators that come here, or we'll be destroyed... along with the shop...". He looks out the window as he thought "Kukina... in the end, my wish never came rue...", as millions of CCV investigators stood in front of the cafe!!! Washuu points at the shop, "Charge!!!". They grab a battering ram as Marude barked "Breach!!!", the investigators replied "Breaching!!!". They run to the door, until two masked soldiers step out... Zolo and Mira greet them "Welcome.". They rush into the crowd, the investigators start shooting as they run around killing them!!! "Keep calm, everybody!!!", "It's just 2!!!". Zolo yells!!! "You idiots, not too quick on the uptake, are you?!", he snaps, pointing upward!!! They look up to see millions of vampires and Soul Hoshi soldier, sitting on the shop!!!? "They, were hiding in the shadows?!!!". The soldiers rush into the crowd, killing the investigators!!! A investigator asks "Shall we send in the main force?", Washuu replies "No... he's here.". He stared at Yoshimura, in his Kakuja... "...The act of taking is equally evil. We, from the moment of birth, continue to take. Food, connections, even fellow blood. Living to the utmost, continuing to slaughter, kill, take."(The boss walks around the fighters, being a badass) "Life is to constantly sin. Life is evil itself. I am aware I am evil, and so are all of you. Now, come and kill me.". He rushes the army!!! "ÄÑÐ Í ŚĦĀĻĽ ĎŐ ŤĦĒ ŚĀΜΈ!", the investigators crap themselves as they're killed!!! Yoshimura looks up at Washuu, as the director says "No need to glare, it's just business♪.". Meanwhile, Michael sees what's happening to Anteiku... "..." he starts to revert back... Meanwhile, Zolo kills more investigators than his followers they can keep up with/kill themselve. He stood up "Who's next?", he leers holding a human head!!!? A blast suddenly kills many soldiers, "Boom, HIGH MIND!!!!" but only knocks Zolo back slightly "Isn't that a little "dangerous", pussy?". The investigator leers "Go back to your hell, demon!", Zolo leered "Hell is right here!". Meanwhile, Mira watches her friends fight, "Satsuki's Roar" she almost attacked, many BlancFeathers suddenly kill the soldiers by her!!! She drops off the building, then stands to see another investigator... that Dr Cassack with Sausuke (from Naruto)'s childhood shirt(!!!?). "Heeey, bitch", Mira replies "Woof, woof.". Meanwhile, The boss almost kills a investigator, but is suddenly sliced by Shinhara and Quinzilla in Perfect Aratas!!! Another Investigator shoots him, as Quinzilla shouts "Aim for his shoulders, and keep your posture low, it will not protect you from his lance.". Shinohara then says "Well then, Mr Last Boss, Are you ready to go outta business?". Meanwhile, Cirris watches from a rooftop, until he hears Nishio "Hey, shitman! You gonna, join right? You always did make shitty decisions!!!". Cirris turns "Nishio...", they sat down together as Nishio spoke "Ahhh, it's shitty how this happened! You kill a few bad humans and humans, and they get all mad! They're even going to take the shop away! And for what? Cause a couple of vamps, were brewing some coffee?" he laughs. He then smiles "Whew.. it ain't right, That shitty old shit's wiping everyone's shitty assholes for them, he's cleaning up all this shit. He told us to run, while shit's goin' down, so we could live our free simple shitty lives... Shit... damn him, for being shit...". Cirris asks "You'll go then?", Nishio stood "Shit the fuck, yeah! If I didn't, they'd die in vain. Plus I gotta say bye to Kimi, one last time...". Cirris looks sad "Shit... I forgot... I made you hafta leave he...", Nishio interrupted "Shit, it's fine, I just wanna be with the shitty woman, once more! And don't say mushy shit, it's too far now... The shit you gonna do?". Cirris replies "There's one more thing, I hafta do... then I'll...", Tsukiyama stops him "Wait!!! You think you can go into the streets, and be killed, while I waited for you... FOR SO LOONG!???". Cirris sighs, upset... "I'm sorry... I...", Tsukiyama suddenly charged with his glowing a very bright unearthly glow!!! "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, YOU ARE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!", he starts slicing at Cirris as the weakling dodges "YOU HAVE LET INSIDE, AND LET ME HELP YOU FROM BEHIND THE SCENES, KILLING EATING POOR FOOD, IN YOUR NAME!!! AND NOW YOU'LL JUMP INTO A STREET FULL OF CCV, WHEN YOU'RE AT YOUR WEAKEST!!!? I SHALL NOT ALLOW YOU TO GO, EVEN THE ENTIRETY OF THE HOUSE OF TSUKIYAMA CAN NOT DESTROY THAT ARMY!!!! AND YOU THINK I SHOULD LET YOU GO DOWN THERE? CIRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Cirris sighs, and chops Tsukiyama on the shoulder... The vampire falls, tears, slober and snot pours from his eyes mouth and nose... "For the love God, and all that's delish... Please don't go...". Cirris smiles warmly "Thank you for trying to stop me, but I'm tired of being weak!". Meanwhile, Zolo dodges "HIGH MIND!!!!", the bushin leered "You dumbass, stop calling out your attacks, this ain't a manha!!!". The investigator leers "It's a blog, a comedy too! We the CCV, are going to kill you vamps, and save the 20th Ward!!!", Zolo charged him "Like fuck, you will!!! You can't even tell, I ain't no vampire!!!". He then used "Muramasa!!!", the investigator thought as Zolo's body is covered in denomic markings and a third eye, grows on his forehead!!! "He's calling the names, of his attacks, luckliy, that dumbass's using a blade...", "Angel Beats!!!" he shouted!!! A sonic wave, pushes Zolo back!!! Meanwhile, Mira fights Cossack "Why are you fighting, bitch? You have the social status of dog shit, why do you even breath air?!". Mira replies as she almost stabs him with the climatact "Because air's better than smelling someone, who calls you shit!!!!". She's suddenly sliced by another investigator!!! "My sword skills, aren't unpleasant...", she stares..."WTF????!". Meanwhile Shinohara, is almost sliced by Yoshimura "He's regenerating faster than we can hurt him, he can fire Ukaku feathers, and has the tenacity of a Rinkaku... I have made, the worst mistake of my life...", he's knocked back "But I'll push through it!!!". Meanwhile Washuu leers "They're fucking this up... Maybe we should call the sp... too late.", he looks up to see Juzuu flying off a motorcycle!!! Shinohara gets a erection "Juzuu?!!", Marude stares at the screen as it crashed and blew up... "That... looks... like my motorcycle...", his BF answers "It is...". Meanwhile Touka gets ready to fight, when Yomo stopped her from leaving the cafe "Where are you going?", she looks up at him "To help them, to save Anteiku!!!". Yomo replies "Don't... they're only ordered to do this suicide misdion, to make up for being buttholes: Zolo's a obvious one, and Mira feels bad, and blames herself for Yui's fainting.", Touka replied "I... I killed people too! For hunger and during my period!!! I also wanted to have sex with Cirris, and I'm with Seirro!". Yomo replied "You just need to calm down, the other two are fucked up: Zolo's a demon god, and Mira's possessed by one... willingly. You are like Cirris, both of you will be happy if you can be in a/ have some in your, asshole. You just want love, and to love.", Touka sighs "Dammit... we... Wait, Seirro doesn't...", Yomo glares "No, he doesn't want to have Cirris in his asshole... rather he needs a brother he thinks he could compete with... maybe, You monsters need someone you can relate to.". Meanwhile Mira fights two investigators at once, she dodges a barrage of Blancfeathers, and jumps up on a railing... "Dammit, I can't take another shot from that...", a oldwoman looks up at her "!!!?", "Eh???". Cossack laughs "The 2 old bitches, can die together!!!", and fires!!! Mira jumps in the way "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!! I'LL HATE YOU FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, YOU FUCK!!!". She hits the street, the old lady walks to her as the investigators watch "Are you alright? Did you save me?", Mira stood up"Shut up, old lady... Dammit, my ribs...". A investigator turns toward Cossack, glaring "Article... something... says we should ALWAYS PRIORITIZE CITIZEN'S LIFE!". Cossack replies "Dick Face, it also says "Vampire investigators should always respond accordingly!!! That old fag was in the way, killing a SSS Rank Vampire, takes priority over a dying woman!!!". Mira finally stood back up... then got into a runner stance, (Showing off her butt, in that tight leather suit) And used "Soul Star!!!", then rushed to them!!! She attacks with the blue flame, burning the investigators and the battlefield!!! Until Cossack hit her arm!!! The other two sliced her ribs once more, then in her back!!! Mira fell as Cossack stood over her... "Hehehehee Finally, I have been waiting for this moment, what should I go?"(???), the other investigator comes back from leading the oldwoman to safety "She's a Soul Hoshi Soldier, they're convicted of destroying Wake Island and killing many of our agents, we should put her on trial!", Cossack turns toward him... "Hirako, is it that you want her tities? Or her nice hot vagina?", Hirako jumps "I... don't have that intention.". Cossack leers "This bitch has murdered many government agents, and has commited more crimes than anyone can count. She killed my family in Wake island... I waited a entire year to get revenge. Vampires should die, on the spot, and be made to a Quinquae or something...". He hea tilted "Well... do you have any objections, Hirako?", the investigator jumped "No...". Cossack stood over her "Goodnight, bitch.", Mira glares "See you in hell". He leered "A vampire won't have that kinda world.", he suddenly hears "Then do humans have it?". Cossack shits his uniform!!! "UWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" he's suddenly sliced!!! He cough blood "What the hell, are you!!!?". Mira sighs "Damn, each and everything.", she looks at Cirris in his badass blood soaked robe and black scarf "Such a bad kid♡".
To Be Continued...
I want to use this for the title card, but it's Title is different from the chapter's...
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Happy Halloween Finale!

First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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