Centurión To Lose Your World

Continued... :%

FUSAGI QUICKLY USES "PK TEARING!!!" to split Noitre in half, killing him in one attack!!!! Yui protested "Fusagi, we coulda stopped him without doing that, plus he...", ""Coulda been a friend?" He was about to kill us all!!! He just murdered his comrade a few seconds ago!!!" Fusagi replied. Yui looks upset... "Alright... at least you're OK!", she walks away with Fusagi in her arms, Fusagi blushed "Wait, I have this hole in the stupid Hallow dress, can I at least "censord" it a little bit?!". Yui flips her on her shoulders, piggyback style... "Yui..." she starts, the soldier giggled "Now you're up over everything, no1'll see the hole, and we can resonate real easy like this!". The girls look for their dying/wounded friends, meanwhile a giant eye opens up over Hoshi City!!! Most captains of gotei thirteen float over the city too, preparing to fight... "Mmmm I have always had knack for perfect timing." the oldest captain stated... Stein retorts "Perfect you say? From the moment I layed eyes on it, I knew this was Tenkai Kecchu, Regardless... this is not even a set back though. After cleaning up here, I'll just travel to the real Hoshi City, and create the heaven key there". He smiles "Stark Barrigan Hallibel, please step forward...", three more eyes open up, revealing three Espadas and their servants... "You're wasting both our time..." he finished, then thought "While I tidy up here, I'll leave Los Noches under your dutiful eye, Ulquirra." as Ulquirra punched through space and walks out in front of Yui and Fusagi in the castle!!! As the captain of the gotei 13 uses "Ryuujin Jakka Joukaku Enjou" to separate Stein, Gin and Kaneme from his Espada and them... Ulquirra spoke as the girls felt their friends completely healed but stuck in a battle outside Los Noches... "You truly believe by your friends coming here, you'd be saved? Ridiculous...", Fusagi retorts "No... it's ridiculous that I don't kill you now! You can't too much stronger than that gay back there... plus, what we believe isn't as ridiculous you guys! Our friends feel the same way we do about them, I was already saved at the moment they knew I was missing!", Yui lets Fusagi down as she adds "We can't know how the others feel or think normally, but we'll know once we open our selves to them! That's what it means to join our hearts together!". Ulquirra reotorts ""Hearts" You say? You humans always talk about heart, as if it's something you hold in the palm of your hand. But my eye, it sees all, if I don't see it, it doesn't exist. So if were to tear open your chest would I see your heart?" He touched Fusagi's breast with a nail, "Or if I smash your head open, would it be there?".... She stepped back get the chuck back, pervert!!!", he replied "I intend to, Stein Sama didn't give orders to kill her, but you...". He stared at Yui... "Are a different story, killing you and protecting Los Noches, goes hand in hand...", Yui looks surprised to see him unsheathe his blade "You're considering me a enemy? Last time you shot a hole through my chest without even speaking...". He replied "I see as a threat that needs to be stopped... at very least."... They prepare to battle as the soldiers and Soul Reapers fight!

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