A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Mother Fuckin' Power Rangers!?
VASSAGO THOUGHT BEFORE HE CHASES THE SOLDIERS, "I can sense 2 presences, Kari Ai's BFF and the obese 1... I'd think they would think they would come to take my lamps. But they're heading further away... I don't know what kinda crap they're playing, but this might be my last chance to get all 7 lamps.". He picks up a lamp "I think I'll take this 1 with me, that way even if that woman finds where I stashed the lamps, she won't get all 7!", he flies away!!! "THIS TIME I WON'T SHOW YOU ANY MERCY!!!! HAAAAAAAAA!". Meanwhile Fusagi states "Hang in there Mira, we'll be there soon!" , Mira answers "Okay!!". Fusagi then thought "As strong as Mira will be... crap never mind, this may be wishful thinking... Vassago gets stronger everytime we see him! The best thing we can do is wait for Yui...". They suddenly feel a energy flow through their bodies, they both turn to see Vassago flying towards them!!! "N... NO WAY!!!" Fusagi almost craps herself!!! Mira cried "It can't be Vassago!!!?". Fusagi turns toward her "Mira, I'll stalll him as long as I can, you go to the grand genie and get stronger!!!", Mira flies to the lamp!!!! Fusagi turns around to see Vassago stop in front of her!!!!! Smoke floats of his body as Fusagi watches in terror "W... What speed...", she then calms down "How did you find us?". Vassago leered "I thrive when people pull bullshit, now why don't you give me back my lamp you stole from me... before I lose my fricking mind?...", Fusagi glares "I dont know what you're talking about...". Vassago laughed "Keep being dumb, that'll be the last lie...", he suddenly noticed the grand lamp!!! He leered "That mountain, where Karis Ai's BFF flew to, why're going there?... Is that where you hid it!!!?", Fusagi answers "No, we haven't cleaned ourselves in days... she's wiping her...". He flies past her, "S... STOP!!!". Meanwhile the grand genie felt Mira up to her head "She's has more power than the other 1, but her ass is so damned small...", Mira interrupts as she blushes "Could you hurry? They're...". Meanwhile Vassago lands outside of the lamp, Snail greets him as he walks to the door "Leave us, midgets scare the grand genie.". Vassago leers "Son of a bitch!!!", him and Fusagi suddenly feels Mira's soul!!! "Alright!!! Mira got a huge energy boost!". Vassago laughed "I get it, Karis Ai is in there COME OUT!!!", Mira steps out "It's just you? What did you do in there? How did your base power rise so quickly??!!!". Rei suddenly runs outside "T... the grand genie says there's someone approaching the planet!!!", Fusagi feels it... "He's right, something really is coming...". Mira smiles "What incredible power!!!", Fusagi laughs "It must be Yui!!!". Vassago screams "N... NO IT CAN'T BE!!! THE MILKY FORCE!!! 1...2...3...4... 5!!! No doubt about it! Haru must've called the Milky Force!!!", he grabs Mira "You 2!!! Hand over the lamp right now!!!". Mira answers "H... Hell no!!! We can't do that...", the djinn cried "OMG!!! Listen if you let me be have eternal life, I won't lay a finger on you or your friends, PLEASE hurry up before it's too late!!!". Fusagi looked freaked out "His soul's trembling... he's actually scared!", Vassago added "Dammit... They're as strong as I am... No maybe even stronger . And there's 5 of them!!! They're going to use new cutting edge devil eyes to find and kill us right away!". Fusagi yells "You can't be serious!!!", Vassago screamed "Can't you sense their power? please... making me.. eternal... is the only way... to defeat them..." he hyper ventilates. Snail crapped his pants "He may be right, there are indeed 5 evil crazy fuckers heading this way...", Fusagi yells "Then let's make Mira eternal!". Vassago screams "She may have power, but he's completely inexperienced tactically!!!", Fusagi glares "Then why the heck did we even...". Snail replies "The genie in the lamps can grant 3 wish at once, I'm sure you can have your wish as well", Mira looked surprised "3 it's not just 1!!?". Vassago shouts "WILL YOU HURRY THIS UP!!! THE LONGER YOU STAND IN AWE, THE LESS TIME WE HAVE TO KEEP OUR BUTTHOLES!", Fusagi glares "Alright... we'll take you there... but you better hold on to that promise of yours...". They flew away "DON'T DWADLE!!! MOTHER OF GOD, PLEASE HURRY THE HELL UP!!!", meanwhile the grand genie asks"They left I take it?", Snail answers "Yes... even if things go as planned, they're f'd...". The grand genie smiles "Snail... your talents are best used else where... Go forth my son...", Snail presisted "But grand genie!". The genie leers "It's fine... you don't need to worry about me... Feeling the fat one's booty, made me hold on a little longer... (To think earthlings were so, jui...), Snail interrupts "As you wish, you creep...". Meanwhile the Milky force lands, Vassago yells to the soldiers "THEY LANDED!!! AREN'T WE THERE YET!!!?", Fusagi screamed "THEY'RE HERE!". Fusagi picks up the lamp "Touka Chan, we're taking the white lamp with us!!!", they flew as Vassago cried "FINALLY!!! I CAN TAKE THE LEAD, PLEASE LET US LIVE!!!". Touka freaks "Bu... wha... what just happened?.... Was Vassago with them?", Meanwhile the milky lamps opened... The milky force floated out... They all looked like strange colored human shaped... monster... things...(???). They flew on Haru's lamp, where he waited to meet them. A huge muscular giant posed and yelled "CREAM!!!", a muscular cadaver posed next "Butter!!!". A austrailian ghoul squated and held his arms straight up "Cheese!!!", a small green ogre squated too "Shre... (ahem) Yogurt!!!". A huge muscular oni bent over in Haru's face!!! "Milk!!!", they all posed together as a explosion appeared behind them!!! "TOGETHER WE ARE..." they all strike a different pose "THE MILKY FORCE!!!". Haru rubs his crotch "Awesome!", Milky asks "♡Thank you♡ What will our mission be this time?". Haru answers "That traitor Vassago, has stolen my lamps... Your mission is to "Subdue" him, and bring him to me, for interrogation...", Milky answers "Sounds simple enough, our devil eyes already picked up on him... he seems to be with 2 other sizeable powers...". Haru answers "They must be the retarded children... you are to f uck 'em up on site", Milky answers "Understood! We will thoroughly enjoy ouselves!". Cheese gave a briefcase to Haru "Here are your black magic symbols", "delish" Haru said bored. The team then screams "We fuck together!!!", they flew away!!! a few minutes later, they land in front Vassago and the soul hoshi soldiers! "Yo Vassago chan!". Mira freaks "Waaah!", Fusagi trembles "I... didn't even feel them coming!". Vassago cries " FRICKING MOTHER FUCKERS!!!! ...TRYING TO SIMPLY NOT GET MY ANUS TORN TO PIECES, NOW I'M GOING TO GET MY SHIT SMASHED UP THROUGH MY GODDAMED MOUTH!!!!", Milky leers "I think that's a lamp you're holding there, Vassoko?", Cream yells "Seems to be 5 more over there!".
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Happy Halloween Finale!

First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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