A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Puffing Tom
IN ORDER TO GIVE YUI AND FUSAGI PLENTY OF REST, THE JUDGEMENT DRIFTED AROUND LONG ISLAND... IT IS NOW MORNING, THE 3RD DAY AFTER THEY LEFT. THE CLIMATE IS SPING AND SUNNY LIKE. SOMETIMES IT FEELS LIKE SUMMER. Mira stretches in a beach chair "Ah... The weather's nice today!", Seirro walks up to her "Mira, try some of this... It's potato pallie.". She eats it "Delicious!... What's a pallie?!", Seirro walks away "If you hate the food, don't...". Zolo suddenly yells "SHUT UP PEON, I'M TRYING TO TRAIN!", the deamon retorts "What the hell, Mr shit? You've been on my back alot!". Meanwhile Touka and Kirik clapped and cheered as they fought"Yui!!! Yui!!!! Yahooo!", she ran from inside the ship, covered in flour!!! "The frozen me!!!" she then falls over, the soldiers laugh as she pretended to try to move! Mira glares at her BF "You almost died from that... How can you joke about it?", Yui dusted herself off "Heehee♪ Did it look real?", she sees Mira's food! "What's that?♪". Yui flies onto the balcony "Pallie... and potato..." Mira answers, the captain turns toward Seirro "Hey Seirro! I want some! I'm hungry too!". Fusagi steps onto the deck, Mira jumped "Fusagi!". Touka smiles "How're you feeling? Are still freezing?", she laughs "I'm feeling fine, thanks to you dr!". Touka blushes while Mira says "Okay, but don't push yourself, just because you suffered the same injury, doesn't mean you need to feel obligated to jump around the boat, like this freaky girl." he pinches Yui's cheek! Seirro smiles "Fusagi, I'll make you something warm. What would you like?", Fusagi blushes "I'd like a cup of coffee!". Later Seirro finally makes breakfast for his friends, Yui ate with Chiba and Touka. The vampire asks "What's pallie?", Chiba answered "It's a monster, I killed the thing days ago...". She freaks "You were killing fish, while we were fighting?!!", he answers "I got sleepy after the foxy games, after I woke up, I kinda flew around the island...". Zolo looks into the sea "I hope I can eat this crap, Seirro might've poiso... What the fuck?", Yui hears him, then looks at sea... "It's a giant frog and it's swimming freestyle! (Like Haruka Mayonaise!)". Chiba sighs "Gurl... Yui, frogs don't swim the freestyle...", he sees the giant scarred frog! "What the hell!!!?". Their captain screams "Full speed ahead, don't use the motor or we'll go past it!!!", Zolo screams "Use the oars!!!!". Mira looks down from the balcony "Hey! Why are we changing direction!?", Yui explains "We found a giant frog, it's going to be a perfect pet for Mami!". Zolo yells "I want to eat it! That witch doesn't even have a frog familiar!", the demon girl looks at their destination "There's a lighthouse????". Touka yells "Did you find a island?", Mira answers "No, just a lighthouse... it isn't on google maps either!". The vampire retorts sarcastically "Oh... it's 1 of those light towers: that's independent of land!", Mira glares. Fusagi turns toward the frog "It's going there as well?", Seirro explains "1st you wash the frog in white wine, then covered in flour and fry it!". Mira screamed "What's wrong with all of you?!", Seirro then warns the soldiers "Hold up, do you here a strange noise?". They turn to see something flying toward them!!! Yui commands "Back by 180º!", a train passes them as they move!!! Everyone freaks as it passes, the frog jumps in front of it! "Get outta the way frog!!!" Yui yells! It's knocked into the sky... The captain freaks "He got hit!!!", the judgement floats to the light tower... A little girl sees them, then runs inside the tower! "Granny! Granny! Pirates!!!". Her grandma runs outside "WHAT REALLY Chimney!!? hold on!", Zolo glares "She called reinforcements!". They rush out to see the old woman on the ground "(urp) What were you yelling about?", Zolo and Kirik screams "YOU'RE TOO DAMN DRUNK!!!". The soldiers later introduced themselves to her, the chimney then greets them "I'm chimney, this is my gopher rat Gonbe, that's my granny Kokoro!". Mira asks "How was that train floating on water!!?", the ugly girl answers "You've never seen it before?♪ I guess you don't see it anywhere else in the world, it's the puffing tom! It floats on the water like a mother fucking F-Zero machine!". Yui sighs "It hit a froggy when we came over, we tried to stop it but...", Chimney grimaced "Nanase, he's a nuisance! He likes to compete in strength with others, and been trying to beat the train. A hit won't kill him...". The captain smiles "Compete!!!? So that's he won't run away! I like animals with fighting spirit!", Zolo adds "Me too! I won't eat frogs like that!". Mira glares "You shouldn't eat frogs in the 1st place!!!", Kokoro then asks "So where do you want to go? Sento Popuro, the city of cuisine or Sun Naruto!?". Yui smiles "City of cuisine?", Chiba smacks her strawhat "Don't even think about it! Beside, we have to repair the judgement: We messed it up so badly we can't use the motor... We won't get back home like this.". Kokoro laughs "You're going to water7? The train you saw actually came from the blue station there!! Tru to it's name: City of water, it has the world's best ship factories! The ships are even trusted by the american government!!!", the captain looks excited "Ooooh! So there's good mechanics there!?". The ugly old woman answers "HNNKAKAKAKAKAKA Fer real!", Yui looks at Chiba! "Yeah!", Kirik puts his arm on him "Hell yeah!". She smiled "Alright! It's decided, we're going to go there, and get a carpenter for our friend!", they later prepare to leave! Kokoro gives them a letter "Take this, it's a simple map of the island, and a letter of recommendation. Let these guys restore your ship to top shape!", the old woman laughs "We plan on going back there soon! If we meet again, I'll definitely take you to a nice bar, for a few drinks!". Yui smiled "Thanks! We hope to see you again!", she then yells "Get ready to set sail crew!". The soldiers and ugly family wave bye as they sail away... Later Mira looks at the map, as the rest of the crew explains what the mechanic would look like! "She said to see a man named: Iceberg..." she glares at the simple map "Oh I see... IT'S A COMPLETELY USELESS SKETCH!" she throws the paper! The captain shows a drawing of 16ft man, with strange spiky hair? "Look here, let's find somethone like this!", Kirik laughs "If I see someone like that, I'd run like hell!". Seirro glares "I would too! I'd jump in the sea if I have to, although this guy looks part octopus. So he'd probably still come after me!", Zolo yells "Hey! You better not be talking about me!". Later they reach Water 7!!!! "Land ho!", "Let's row!", "That's freaking cool!". Yui smiles "A giant fountain!", Chiba smiled "It's like a metropolis...". Mira noticed the name of the station "Look ver there, it says Blue station!", "Why? Is it upset?" Kirik asks... She glares at horrible joke until they here a man "Hey! Pirates can't go in from the front like that! Go from the back!", the soldiers yell "OK!", "Thank you!". The vampire looks at the buildings "Everything's floating on water, even the houses!", Fusagi smiled "Look closely, the buildings are built on the sunken island... Why would they be able to float?". They sail by a incredibly gross man "Hey! You can't anchor your ship there! If you want to rob me, at least park somewhere legal! Go to the penisula you fucks!", Chiba yells "No we just want to fix the ship!". Mira asks the soldiers "Did he just ask, if we want to rob him?", they sail toward a beach... Zolo tries to pull up the sail, the sail mast snapped!!!! Kirik yells at him, as he fixes it back! Mira sighs "Why do people assume we're pirates?", Chiba answered "It could be that we're not known, or registered by america... Every soul hoshi academy is expect Nottingham...". Seirro sighs "The judgement also looks evil: Penance sama's head as the figure head, makes us look like a ghost ship.", he then smiled "At very least when they see, we're here to repair the ship, they won't attack us!". Kirik jumps "For real!!!?", he and Yui ran off! Mira stopped them "Wait!!! You're going to follow me!", Kirik sighed "We don't need a GIRL!!! telling us where to run!". Mira sighs "You're going to guard the ship: Zolo already ran away, plus you don't even know what gender Yui is idiot! Me, her and Chiba will find Iceberg and give him the letter. Then we need a place to exchange our Euro for Dollars.". Yui marches "Alright! Enough talking! Let's go to water7!!! Meanwhile a pirate crew was verbally assaulting a worker " I meant exactly what I said, after much consideration. I am grateful for the repairs on my ship. However the price is way too high!" the pirate captain said, the worker answers "Don't bother me, I'm working.". The pirate captain laughs "I won't even pay $1 for it!!! Hahahahahahahahhahaha!", the mayor watches them "Haruhi, what's going on over there?". His secretary answered "Um... A client is refusing to pay for repairs, looks like trouble Mr Iceberg.", the worker warns him, "You know... You shouldn't pick on hard working folks. We won't take it silently.". A worker suddenly slaps the back of the pirate captain's head with a wood pole!!!! "Ah, my bad...", another slices his back!!!! "Ah, excuse me.". The pirate captain screams "HOW THE HELL WOULD THAT BE A GODDAMNED MISTAKE!!!? YOU SHIT!!!", the pirate crew yells "You're trying to pick a fight!!!? We'll fuck you, butt heads!". A old man asks his worker "Hey, have we tested that canon yet?", he answers "Not yet.". He fired at them!!! The pirate crew was burned, and covered in hot melted bronze! The worker stood with the others there "You're in mechanic's territory, the pirates's ways of doing things, doesn't work here.", he exhales weed...
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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