Continued... :&
CIRRIS SLEEPS IN THE BODYBAG, UNTIL HE'S KICKED AWAKE!!! "Get up, and take of those waiter's clothes. This ain't no coffee shop..." Ayato says, Cirris took them off and follows him down a tunnel "Where am I? The last thing I remember was talking to Banjou, then we were attacked?", he then asks "I'm not going to do anything crazy... but I just want to know where Touka Chan i...". He's suddenly kicked hard!!! Ayato glared "You will address me as Ayato San, when you speak. Jeez... who even told you, you could talk. Listen, you have no rights, no freedom, no life as long as you're here. You will only speak when spoken to, if someone tells you to die, you better die. If you act at all like you think, you even have a chance to do anything other than what I think you should do, you'll suffer a fate worse than death. You understand, nigger?". Cirris almost replied "Ye...", he's kicked in the teeth!!! "You didn't answer fast enough for me to hear you." the vampire says, Cirris writhes "Yes...". He thought as he stood "It seems as somehow, I arrived in a terrible situation.", they walk until they see a door "Listen, since your a dumbass, I'll tell you this, cookie. The 1s at the top, aren't softies like I am, so you better not act like a fag when we go in there.". Cirris thought "At the top??? Is this some sort of organization? ", he's suddenly kicked into the wall "I spoke to you, you're suspose to answer.". Cirris gets up "Yes..." as he thought "He's a "softie"?", they walk into a room full of vampires in hoods... Cirris stares as Ayato said "I bought him, Tatara San.". Tatara leered "Bring him.", the vampire glares "Go over there, nigger.". Cirris walks past the huge crowd "I never seen this many... they... they're all vamps... This whole room is full of a vampire cult!", Tatara looks at Cirris "He might it... the tranny we need...". He pushes his hand inside him!!! Ciris coughs blood until Tatara pushed it through!!! "Aaaa!!!" the weakling yells, Tatara stares at the man's unearthly glowing eye... "He has it... unfortunately, I can't use this 1, it's no good...". He sat down "Get rid of him, use him as a soldier, sandbag, fuck buddy, test dummy, BFF, a hero, I don't care...", Ayato replied "I understand.", Yamori shuddered as Tatara says "Looks like that "dr" left didn't he? We have to kerp searching...". Cirris looks surprised at him, Tatara sensed his wavelength "What... You didn't know, Dr Kanou was fucked up...". He kneels to Cirris "You seem like a idiot, it pisses me off that they don't know how to react when something happens... Listen, gather all that non existent intelligence in your mind, and think: who was it that turned you into a monster? Do you really think they gave you a vampire kidney? The part needs human blood to work, giving it to 1, would probably poison the humaninstead of transforming them... Yoshimura kept you out of the loop, didn't the faggot. He's treating you like a bonsai tree: cutting off the branches so you'll grow straight. In a way, you're probably happier like this... If he told you that, we used 1 of your Houtentai to turn you into a vampire, using Rize as a base, you'd probably be pissed at her, the murderer, and us... Luckily, you're too weak to get revenge.". He sat down "Let's go Eto, I'll leave the rest to you, Noro", later... Cirris was locked in a cell "The boss kept this from me... no, he gave me food and a place to live, I'm just freaking out because of the place I'm in...". He suddenly hears a voice!!!? "Cirris... Cirris, are you there?!", the weakling got up to see Banjou!!! "We're having a rally, a antiaoigiri one! We want you to join!". Cirris asks "But what about...", Banjou interrupts "Yamori and Ayato are in another building.", he opens the cell and walks in "You don't belong here, won't you run away with me?". Cirris asks "But how'll we escape the guards outside?", he then thought "Besides that, I don't know if I can make rash decisions right now...". Banjou replies "I can't tell you all the details now, but what I can tell you, is that we have a way to get get outta here...", Cirris inhales "Alright... I'll go.". They leave the cell as the man thought "I don't know if I can even trust Banjou, I have no idea what his real intentions are...", Banjou suddenly stops "Cirris... I have 1 question before we go further... Is Rize dead?". Cirris sighs "Yeah...", Banjou trembled as Cirris thought "He must have heard everything... he probably wants to ask about the transplant, or why my Houtentai has her soul and scent on me...". Banjou replies "You were sparing my feelings in the cafe... You're a nice guy...", they walk into a cell with other vamps "Banjou!", "And Cirris!!". Banjou smiles "Hey everyone, this is:Cirris Michaels!", they walk inside one the followers greet him "Remember us from the shop?", Cirris smiles "Ah yeah, from that time...". Another follower added "Sorry we couldn't help, we're no match for them...", Cirris notices a starving kid on the floor... "There's even children in here?". Banjou sat down "Alright everyone, I'll explain our plan: Every... 5 days, Noro and Ayato leaves to meet with the other members, and every 3 days, Yamori leaves to walk around the city... While the Bin brothers stay here, on a specific day, all the leaders except them, leave. So all we have to do, is pin the Bin brothers!". Cirris asks "So they all will be gone on Friday? And you no where to go?", Banjou replies "I guess... We might leave then... maybe.", the child's mother replied "We haven't thought were to go either... we only want to leave Tokyo!". Cirris sighs "Are you sure you can trust me? I'm not going to betray you, but you guys barely know who I am an...", the vamps laugh "You think too much, Cirris! Thinking got you here!", Another vampire laughs "As long as Banjou San trusts you, we do!". Cirris smiles as he thought "They already trust me, I found few people who're like me: who wants to and can be trusted immediately... Now, all I have to do is, wait 5 days...", the next morning, inthe CCV Sausuke and two other investigators walk down a hallway "Why do we have to meet this guy, Shinohara San?" the tranny asks, the old investigator answers "Because he's very important, Juzu, so don't snap at him... No, actually don't do anything!!!". They come into his office "Hey "girls", came to take a look at a badass!!!?" he asks, Shinohara replied "I thought you sounded happy, you must love your position, Marude Chan...". Marude laughs "No shit!!! A few more promotions and I'll have a government job!!!", he walks to Sausuke "Hey muscle freak... I'm sorry about what happened to Oldface... Make sure you don't as a Quinquae obsessed whore, like him!". Sausuke glares as Marude turns toward Juzu "A real girl?", Shinohara whispers to Juzu "Don't snap...". Marude walks to the tranny "Ah... fuck, you look like a human trafficked bitch, your balls haven't dropped yet?!!!", Juzu trembles... Then smiles... Shinohara smiles "Good, he didn't snap...", Sausuke thought "I don't like that look on his face...", Marude then says "Alright, "Lady" and Gentlemen, we are going to raid the 11th Ward in a 8 days, and since this is a order from the top!!! You have no right to refuse...". Shinohara shits himself... "Hah?". The next morning, Sausuke and Shinohara reads reports on who's drafted to raid the 11th Ward... "Oh fuck... He has everybody from everywhere..." Shinohara says, Sausuke replies "He's taking alot of power from the 23rd Ward... is that okay?". The oldman replied "He shouldn't... but Jason'll probably be there...", Sausuke turns toward him "Jason???". Shinohara replied "He's a vampire named Yamori, but got the nickname from habitually wearing a hockey mask when he's killing... He also loves to kill for "fun" instead of food... Hah... why do we have to go??? Damn you Marude!!!". Sausuke sighs "Shit, I got my Quinquae broke too...", Shinohara replied "Yeah, you shouldn't of let it break, it was a present from... what's-her-name? ...Oldface says you have all his Quinquae in his will, choose one of his, and don't break it!". Sausuke looks up, a gleam appears in his eye as he thought "Oldface...", he then says "Yes Sir!". Meanwhile, the Aoigiris disects bodies on a conveyer belt... Cirris stares at a body "They're human... They must be victims of the Aoigiri..." he reaches in one... "They must break them down, to make them easy to... I can't!!! This is my worst nightmare!!! I can't reach into a corpse and pull out the innards...". He hears Banjou "Hey, give it to me... I'm actually good at manual labor, I can finish it before the guard sees...", Cirris replies "I... I'll do it...", he thought as he pulls "Shit... I wish I could give it... But I can't rely on him to help me all the time, Banjou could not be here at any moment, God forbid...", he suddenly hears a vampire "Oh damn!!! Look at this!!! Ayato usually tears off arms neatly. But Yamori destroys the shit outta people, this even makes vampires sick!!!". Cirris winces as Yamori creepily looks around the corner, licks his lips and slid away... Cirris suddenly hears the guard "Found you, you little slut!!! You think that's your meat!!!?", he turns to see the starving child holding some of the human... Banjou rushed in front of him, and lets himself be hit!!! "Banjou WTH!!?". He bows "It couldn't be helped, since I was hungry, and I told the boy still me some...", the guard beats the shit out of him "You fucking bitch!!! You can't apologize for his, while saying "it can't be helped"!!!! 11th Ward, trash!!!". Later, the friends stare at their "dinner", "What are we, dogs?" a vamp says... the child looks up "Bnjou San, about earlier...". Banjou interrupts "That's okay!!! Listen, you have to endure so you cn save your mother, alright!?", the child smiles "Thanks Banjou San!", The man gives him, his piece of bone "Here, so you can grow up strong!". One of his followers asks "But what about you?", Banjou laughs "I donlt need it, if I eat anymore: I'll lose my papularity!!!", his stomach growls "I didn't think I'd be this hungry...". The followers all gave them their pieces of bone "Here, Banjou", "Take it Banjou!". Cirris gives him his piece "I can't eat this anyway! Here!", Banjou blushes "T.. thanks guys!". Meanwhile... Yamori and Nico sit in a dark checker floored room "Nico...", the clown replies "What Yamori?", the vampire look over his shoulder... "Do you think a one eye, is difficult to crush!!!?". On the day of the escape, Banjou's followers and Cirris ran from the building!!! "We made it!!!", "I knew we were going to, when I saw a 1eyed Vamp, I knew he was stronger and would help us!!!", "He only beat Banjou... Anyone could beat him...". Banjou yells "Oi!!! I'm not that weak!!! I built my body up, so I'm strong, even if I can't use "that"", the weakling thought "Everyone's planning their futures! The tension of the Aoigiri's lifting!!!". The vamps smile "I'm going to pay for my food!", "I'm going to change my name again...", "I'm going to find a peaceful place for my son!". Banjou yells "Don't get too comfortable, we still need to get outta their eyeshot! Don't let your guard's down!", the child yells "I'm going to protect my mother!", Banjou smiles "I'm depending on you!!!". They keep running until a shriveled man walks up to them... "...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!", the followers quickly kill him "WTH!!!? Was he a Aoigiri!!!?", "Why was one way out here!!!?". Meanwhile, one of the Bin brothers flew to them!!! A follower looks back "Shit!!! He's gone!!!", they start running until he floats over them!!! "He's already here!!!?". The mother trips as he descends upon the woman, her son blocks him "Kouto!!!". "I'll protec...", he's blocked by Banjou!!!? "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!", his followers run!!! "Shit!!! I wish we could save him!!!", "Fuck, it'll be a waste if we turn back...". His close followers then said "Banjou San, can't fight him...", "He can't use his Kagune, so he'll be killed...", "He' really thick and is a good natured guy, he isn't skilled at fighting... he'll die.". They turn "You guys keep going, we'll save Banjou...". Cirris thought "Banjou can't use his Kagune?!!", Later the Bin brother almost kills Banjou, when Cirris blocks him?!!! (Ahead of the followers, who left fucking first!!!!!??????????) "Cirris!!! He's gonna fight a Bin Brother?!!!". Banjou yells "What are you guys doing here?!!! Are the others alright!!!?", his follower replied "They're okay, Miyamoto San is leading them, and he's twice as strong as you, dumbass!". Banjou leers "Right back at you!", Cirris then says "Let's run away... together Mr Banjou.". The vampires looks at him "Cirris...", the bin brother charged "Traitor!!!". He kicks, Cirris blocks, then stabs with Rize's Kagune, Bin dodged and fought off the followers, he stabs at one, Cirris suddenly rushes him and attacked!!! He's blocked, and slid back... "This... is a tough enemy...". He rushes him, Bin flew over sliced at him!!! Cirris dodged, and slices from behind a lamppost!!! Bin flew towards him, Cirris suddenly pushed it on his head, knocking him out if the air!!! He stood on him "Surrender!!!", he flipped the bird as his brother flew at him!!! Cirris dodges... "The other one!!?", The other asks "Luigi, you okay?", Luigi replies "Yeah Mario, but that 1 eye is a spicy meatball...". Yamori walks out the bushes "You need help, Bin?", they look at him "Yamori!!!???". They see him walking to them carrying the heads of most of Banjou's followers!!!! Banjou almost rushed him "Guys!!!" is followers hold him "Why!!! Why did it turn out like this!!!". Yamori leers "We knew about your rebellion...", Nico leered "I have devilishy good ears too!". Yamori laughs "I honestly don't care if you guys ran away, all I want is Cirris Michaels!", Mario yells "Yamori! What're you saying!!!? I've been watching you since you came here, and I still don't understand you!", Luigi added "Listen, you don't have interest the 1 eyed king's plans, why are you working here?!". Yamori leers "BIIIIN♡ Dő yoų wánt țo ģő aheáð, before mě!!!!?", he stomps at them, the bros step back... Nico smiles "Mario bros, is not sharing the 1 eyed king's view, offending him? Yamori isn't doing wrong: Technically these are Ayato's servents, he let them get away, so it's his fault. There's no need to get upset. He loss control over them.". The brothers stare "Do whatever you want!" they run as Yamori smiles at Nico "Thanks Nico,I honestly was going to kill them!", he then turns toward Cirris... "Now you have a chance to save them: if you come with me, I'll let the vamps go, the alive 1's of course. Or you don't really care about them?". Cirris asks "How do I know it isn't a lie?", Yamori cracks his knuckles "I don't tell boring lies...", Banjou yelled "Cirris, don't believe him!!! Why would he let anyone of us go?!!!". Cirris thought "I have to take a chance... if it's even the slightest at letting them free I have to...", Cirris replies "I'll join...". Banjou cried "Cirris!!!", Yamori takes him back to the building "Don't worry,I treat my subordinates well...". He leans toward Nico "Take them back to the cell, and make them strip...". Nico leers "Oh ho... Liar♡". Meanwhile Touka, Hinami, Nishiki and Yomo watch the news... The woman starts biting her nails and shaking her legs "Onii Chan..." Hinami says, the boss enters "Everyone else will be here later... as for now, I wish to tell you this:..." everyone looks up at him "...we will no longer have contact with Cirris Kun, again.". Touka stood up...
To Be Continued... :#
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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