A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
ONE DAY IN HOSHI CITY, in a dark alley... a dog sniffed some garbage. A giant black snake peered out at the victim... Meanwhile a mother and child came around the, "Doggy♪!" the girl yelled. Her mother warns, as she ran to the dog "Ah! No! It...!". The girl walked to it "Come here doggie♪! Are you all alone?", she petted the dog until Madoka slithered down her throat!!! The girl's mother came around the corner, "Rachel? You shouldn't run off like that, really, trying to get eaten... Even when mama said not too... Don't blame me if you get a disease." she said as the snake slithered into her daughter... The mother walked up to her "Come on let's go, you'd better get washed up.", Madoka turned aroud "Tee hee♡ I'm sorry, Mama!". Meanwhile in Soul Hoshi Academy, Penance Sama asked "Well done, The other day, Syd, Nygus. Did you get laid, I mean... the blueprints for the demon tool, we heard about?". Syd answered "Penance Sama, My personal life is none of your business, and yes, it was a fragment from the book of Eibon", Penance Sama spoke "We'll seal in a secret vault.". Nygus retorted "What the!!!!? wouldn't it be better to destroy it, than put it in a vault,? dumbass!", Syd warned "Nygus...". They walked away... "Understood, we'll immediately have it seal it in a vault.", Penance Sama laughed before they left "Syd, Nygus, No one ist to know about this, keep it a secret...". Meanwhile the mother noticed her daughter, she was staring toward the tv... "Rachel? Turn off the tv, if your not watching.". She walked to the tv, and turned it off... she started staring back into space once more. Later the mother spoke to her husband "Honey... Rachel is acting funny." She sat up in their bed "What if she got some weird fungus, from that dog...". Her husband comforted her "? She can't catch anything if she touchhes the dog, like you do to me...", he kissed her cheek "Good night", "Yeah"... The next day Madoka happily yelled "Mama, I'm hungry". The mother replied happily "Just a little longer dear...", she turned around "Looks like I had nothing to worry about.". She suddenly saw a spider! "Yah!!! Spider!!! What should I do? ", she finds paper "Oh , the newspaper! With this... my husband's dirty magazine!". Madoka killed the spider with her hand, "Ra... Rachel...", the witch glares "Arachne... for her to have realized already... Quicker than I had imagined...". The mother asked as she fell "Wh... what's going on?", Madoka smiled "Mama, I am going out to play!". The mother freaked out "EH!? Hang on! Wait a minute!!!", she tried to get up as Madoka leered, then turned as she covered her head with a hoodie. Madoka walked out, the mother chased her "Rachel!!!" She disappeared... Missing posters of Rachel were put up everywhere... LATER IN BABAYAGA CASTLE MOSQUITO bowed "I apologize profusely. When the Demon Tool was destroyed, we also lost a piece of Eibon's book.", Arachne asked "What about the body guard?". Mosquito answered "Yes, he is in the resting room. We have more than enough fit soldiers, when it comes down to combat strength.". Arachne replied "Even though that did not matter in the facility...", Giriko walked in "It's meaningless if you, the 1 who is making the judgement whether they're fit or not, arn't fit yourself.". Mosquito yelled "WHAT? Heh, you're still here you hobo?!", Giriko glared "You stinking, midget geezer!". They fought until... A insane soldier ran into the room!"Arachne Sama!!!" , she asked "What is the matter?". The soldier replied "There's a visitor... a girl who says, she's your little sister is here...", Arachne smiled "Heh, fine let her in.". Madoka came in, Arachne leered "Well... What a lovely appearance! Do you not think so too? Madoka... Is there something you are looking for, in this remote land?". Madoka answered "I just came to greet you... I am your little sister, is it not obvious that I would come? I see spying is still your forte", Arachne replied "And I see you still run to wherever I am, when you are scared. With that excuse, You just come to greet me...". She feigned a smile "To think that you come in person into enemy territory rather than a idiot... You may be the leader, but you are in the most dangerous position. Why you do not remember to use others, like I do?". Madoka smiled "You are talking about my infiltration into Soul Hoshi, I take it... I do not believe things, unless I experience them myself...", Arachne glared "You did well to stay alive... I am surprised...". Madoka answers "In that situation, I had to becareful to avoid having my soul taken to Penance... As such, when Stein delivered the final blow, I pulverized my soul to bits. It was a gamble, with a low chance of success.". Arachne replied "...Once you get in situations like that, it is the end... But that situation was quite unusual... ", Madoka chimed "Yes it was! Immediately, following kinshin Asura's revival... an expanding wavelength of madness filled the atmosphere... It was reckless to mend my shattered soul inside that snake, that I escaped in. It would not been possible without the rise in denomic power, due to the wavelength insanity. I will not be doing that again...". Arachne glared "And, what brings you here? 800 years ago, during my battle with Penance. It was you who betrayed me, and forced me into a situation where I would perish so miserably... Do you think I would let just let you leave, after you came to arachnophobia yourself? What is your goal, Madoka?", she leered "Stop it, Arachne. Is it not more unnatural for sisters who just been revived together, not to want to see one another?". All Arachne's soldiers and guards surrounded Madoka! "Heh, what a joke. Well then everyone, sorry to have disturbed you." she said as she walked away, Arachne laughed "Haha! You are not one to be bullied, huh... It is nice to be able to see you again!". Giriko asks "Are you sure it's okay, Arachne?", Arachne thought to Madoka "I will let you go for now... will you not join my network?". Modoka thought as she glared at Arachne "Go ahead and smile... I will slip through the cracks in your network, you take so much pride in...", a inane guard walked her out. "A fragment of Eibon's book, should be in this castle somewhere... Find it for me, Mami!" Madoka said, Mami sadly answered inside the disguise "gotcha...". Madoka then asked "And the others?", Mami answers "Yes, they are already...". She then asked as she left, "Madoka... what are you going to do?". She answered with a neutral look "I too, have many plans to set into motion. First of all that thing in Soul Hoshi...", meanwhile in Fusagi's mansion!!!! Everyone was attending the party, they set earlier. Touka spoke to Fusagi "Fusagi, the food you bought is delicious! Can I say I made it?", Fusagi answered "Eh? You better not sell it as your cooking!". Touka looked around, "Hot guy detected!". She ran up to the teen "Nice to meet you, I'm Touka. I made this food, won't you try some?", the teen smiled excitedly "Oh? Did you wash your hands? I like extra spice!". Chiba whispered "Even if you say that, you'll be exposed soon...", Touka giggled "You little...". "Come this way!" Touka smiled, the man laughed "To be able to eat food, made by a cute girl like you!... Lucky Me!". Mira rushed Touka, and hugged her! "Mom! Mama! Mother!", Touka shouted surprised "Wha!? Mira!!?". The guy yelled in horror "Eh? You had a kid at that age!!?", Zolo suddenly rushed her too! "Mommy!". Touka shouted "You too!", the guy screamed "EHHHH!? THERE ARE 2!?". Touka turned "It's not what it looks like!", the guy ran "Hell to the No!!!". Mira and Zolo laughed hard "You suck!!", "Gyhahahahaha!". Touka started chasing them! "...You!", she tried to kill them! Knocking over the furniture and destroying Fu's ballroom... Chiba apologized "Sorry about them... It's never calm, when you keep retards... (The cleanup...)" Ragnoirok answered "Ah, Surely... I... I'm not used to it yet... but... it... it doesn't bother me...", Chiba patted their shoulder "It's okay, join our idiots at your own pace.". Ragnoiroc smiled warmly "Y... yeah Thanks...", Zolo suddenly leaned on both of them! "YO!!", he puts his arm around Ragnoirok "The hell your doing quiet over here? It's a party, let's MAKE SOME NOI...!". Fusagi shot him! "What was that for?!", Fusagi explained "Don't tease Ragnoiroc!". Zolo answered irritated "Who, me? How was that teasing?", Zolo jumped up and grabbed their arms. "HEY RAGNOIROC!", "Uh... uh...". Zolo leered "If there's anyone teasing you, feel free to let me know. The Great Zolo, will murder them.", Ragnoiroc blushed. "...Why are you all...", Yui smiled warmly "It's obvious! We're all your friends!". Ragnoiroc's eyes turned to * again! "If that's so, lemme eat something!". Mira got some food, "Here ya go, some of my home cooking...". Roc opened their mouth, a long tounge rolled out! Seirro watched him eat... "Gross", later they tried playing music. Seirro bought his records "You said you wanted something to dance to, so I ended up bringing country music. Doesn't really fit the atmosphere...", Touka did a head tilt "Really?". Yui grabbed his arm and smiled excitedly "Then play the piano! There's one here...", Seirro replied, agitated "What's with this all of a sudden?", "It's been a while since I heard you play". Seirro left "Give me a break... I'm going to the bathroom.", Touka watched "Ah, he ran away. So he can play piano?". Yui replied "Seirro played just only once, when we were first partnered.", Touka smiled "What kind of song?". Yui replied excited "A really dark, strange song. He said"This is the kind of guy I am", and suddenly started playing. But... somehow his aloofness made him a interesting partner... and...". Touka thought out loud as Yui finished... "I missed my chance to hear it.".
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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