A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Come Back To This Place!!!!!!
Continued... :$
A HOLLOW MAID POURS TEA FOR EVERYBODY AT THE TABLE... Stein leers "Everyone has their tea? Good, now drink and listen.", he snapped his fingers "Kaname.". A hole opens up in the table, showing the friends racing to their castle! "These are the intruders:Mira Elric, Kirik Harvard and Karis Ai." Stein explained, the king of Hueco Mundos glared "Whot the hell, I thought they're were some threat?", the gayest looking Espada agrees "They don't look interesting, not 1 bit.". Stein smiled "They are not to be taken lightly... They are "Soul Hoshi" soldiers, trained to kill anything in existence... They have the godkiller among them, and counting these,4 are against our army.", a Espada with a mohawk stared "Where's the 4th 1?", Ulquirra replies "It's Fusagi Tsunou.". Another gay adds "Awww And they came to rescue their friend??? If this is all, there's no reason to be afraid!", a exhibitionest/naked Espada shouts "The fact Stein Sama's making this speach, shows how much of a threat they are!!!", the gay glared at her "A'ight, fuck... Why your asshole's so tight? You afraid?", Grimmjaw stood up and walked out. Kaname stopped him "Where you going, Grimm?", the Espada answers "To squash the bugs, the sooner the better, right?!". Kaname reorted "You'll do...", Grimmjaw turns the blind man so he can talk TO HIM "There now...". Kaname sighs "A'ight. Stein Sama said no such thing, you'll wait for his instruction!", Grimmjaw shouted "It's for him I'm doing this!!!". Stein leers "Thanks for being so ready to fight on my behalf, but... I'd like very much for you to listen to what I have to say...", Grimmjaw mutters... Stein turns his head "What was that, Grimmjaw Jaguajack?". The espada suddenly the life leave him!!!? He fell to his knees as Stein stood "Every1 return to your rooms, act if nothing happened, when the time comes, everything will be alright, for as long as you follow me...", a gay replied "We'll never go hungry again!!!?". Stein glared "A enemy who can stand against us, shall never exist.". Meanwhile Yui, Mira and Kirik stopped... "Shoot, it's like the more we run, the further the castle is...". Yui exhaled, Mira answers "I know... We... should've kept our alchemic power, and made a conveyer belt or a plane to get us there...". Yui looks at a Hollow lizard walk by "I thought Demons and Hollows needed to eat humans to live? How this guy survive here? There's nothing to eat?", Mira replied "The Reishi here must be enough for small creatures... Lord knws why they'd leave to eat others...", her BF smiles "Ah... I feel the Reishi around us, it's like getting hugged!", she stood up "Alright, let's keep going!". Mira adds "Yeah, c'mon!", Kirik shouted "Damn... Yall girls don't give a nigger no time to jack off, how I'm suppose ta relax?". They walk for a hour until they see a sandworm carrying Arrancars on it's back?!! Yui waves "HI!!! we...", a bolt of Burning Lightning destroys the riders?!!! Yui turns to see Kirik sneering "Heh!!! Got 'em!!", she asks, upsetted "Why did you kill them? We coulda asked them for a ride on their worm!", Kirik pushed her to the side as he walked to it "They were Arrancars, they wouldn't LET US have their worm! And stop trying to give me another erection: "ride their worm" I wished some1 ride mine...", they climb on the traumatized worm... Yui stares at the dead demons... "1 of them was a little girl...", Kirik laughed "Ohhh I killed a little demon girl, what's the worst that can happen?". "I WILL KILL YOU PAINFULLY!!! THE GUARD IF WHITE SAND: RUNUGANGA!!!" a giant sand monster suddenly rose out of the sand!!! "I HAVE JUST RECIEVED WORD FROM LOS NOCHES THAT INTRUDERS HAVE ENTERED, TO THINK YOU GARBAGE BUGS ARE INTRUDERS..." Mira and Yui look at Kirik... he retorted "Aww... That sandyass monster can suck a dick! That has nothing to do with...", Runuganga looks at the dead Arrancars "MY FREIND:NERU!!! YOU WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN!!!!". A huge pit of sinkingsand sucks soldiers suddenly so swiftly, the friends start freaking out!!! Mira yells "See!!! You killing the kids coulda make us all die, for you being so damned cray!!!", Kirik retorted "Chill, broad!!! I got it!!", he fires a wall of white hot flame!!! Runuganga turns to glass, Mira fires Masenko at him, shattering it!!! The sinkhole continues to pull them in as the guard of white sand regenerated... Mira stared... Kirik jumps "Wha... C'MON!!! how the hell I know it's gonna pop back!? How'd you kill it?", Mira thought then said "Water!". Kirik opens his fly "A'ight, you girls better get wet soon, or we gonna...". "Ripple." they hear familiar voice echo... The friends look up to see Runuganga freeze, then shattered by a sound wave!!!? They look up to see Seirro and Cirris standing on a dune... Yui runs to them!!! "Seirro! Cirris♪ What're you doing here?!", Seirro answered "We were ordered... Ugh," he scratched the back of his head "I've been stuck with this moron the entire time! I don't see how you understand him: His voice is too low to talk so quiet, it's like a wrestler having his arm torn off: wasted potential.", Yui squeezes Cirris "It's OK, I love him anyways!!!". Cirris stares at her as she asks "Ooooh! I love your capes, where'd you get them?", Seirro answered "Byakuya gave 'em to us. He said it'll be dusty, and that we should those idiots running around!". Mira and Kirik glare "He's so "nice"..." "Yeah, did tha cracker give us capes too?!!!". Seirro climbed on the worm "No... he expected you guys to already've saved Fusagi... so no, you're suppose to be outta here by now.", meanwhile Fusagi stares through a window, into Hueco Mundos's night sky, until Ulquirra walks into her room... "It looks nice on you...". Fusagi turns, surprised "Ah! Stop staring at me you pervert! You guys made me where this Hallow dress, I DON'T have a hole in my chest: why is...", he interrupted "I'm not a perv, we think it's classically sexy, and it looks tasty wether you have a hole or not: Don't raise your voice!", he steps into her room "A report:Your friends are invading Hueco Mundos...", Fusagi stares "Why? ...I". The sandworm makes it too Los Noches!!! "We're here!!!" Mira yells, "Let's bust through it!!!" Yui cheered. She stands up to it "Let's go Seirro!", he sighed "Damn, we're not even close yet...". Ulquirra replies ""Why" You ask? To save you, there's... no other reason.". Yui and Seirro slice a hole through the wall!!! Fusagi reples,mad "I KNOW that, before you interrupted: I was asking why they were coming, because it would've intelligent to send some1 from the Soul Society here, and have us: who knows somewhat how Stein thinks now, to stop him! They could be killed coming here!", Ulquirra answered "Correct, but as of right now, that means nothing to you. We own you body and soul, that what you're wearing, solidifies that fact.Now say it. Your body and soul, what purpose do they have now?". Fusagi retorts "Their only purpose... is to break you!!!", he sighed "I told you... Your powers have little to no effect here, if you continue your defiance, Stein Sama might force you into his next mass orgy. It will do you good to act like intelligent human.". Meanwhile The friends walk into Los Noches... "We broke through!" Yui cheers, Seirro looks around "I guess we did, the wind's passing through...". They run in...Yui looks around "This 1 thick wall, it's so dark in here!", Mira asks "How's wind passage indicating you broke ALL the through the other side?", Seirro replied "It's... blowing from... forget it!". Kirik backs him up "Trust him, us men know how to blow stuff all the way through!". Mira smiles "Heheeh... I wish we could see, then we'd know if you did!", Seirro leered "Shut up and watch, with a little ingenuity, and listening to the Soul Reapers, I can do this! Shakahou!!!". A small light glows from his hand "Wow, such a small glow... the size of ya dong, right?" Mira leered, Seirro shouts "Hey!!! I DID break through this wall, and my dick's so HUGE IT COULD'VE BROKE THROUGH WITH IT'S MASS ALONE!!!". Yui pats his back "Forget about it... I think you di...", he interrpts "SHUT UP!!!". They come into a huge room... "We're here?" Mira asks, Kirik replied "It's dark in here too...". Fire suddenly lights every torch in the room... "A intersection?" the streetfighter asks, Yui leers "The wavelength's so strong here...". Mira then suggested "Let's each take a path, then we'll send a signal to the others once we find Usagi.", Yui asks "Alright... but where we'll meet?". Seirro walks up to the BFFS "Listen... there's another kidou I learned, but I'll do the chant this time, so we'll know where the exit is: WE! Are about to enter the battlefield! Believe, our blades will not shatter! Believe, our souls will not be cut! Even if our steps seperate, our iron wills remain solid! Promise! Even if the ground may split! Wewill come back alive, to this place!". A light comes from the middle of the friends, as they all leave into a different door!
To Be Continued... :@
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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