A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Adventure In The City Of Water :D
YUI, MIRA AND CHIBA WALK INTO THE CITY! "1st, let's go to the exchange." Chiba says, Yui smiled "Why not go straight to the shipyard?". He answers "I don't want to travel through a city, with so much money...", she laughed "It'll be alright!". He answers "No... it's not like at home...", Mira agrees "I agree with Chibe, let's exchange it, then we can carry it!". Yui looks surprised "You're implying you don't trust me with the money!?", Mira laughed "Yep, you'll buy random garbage, instead of saving!", Chiba laughed "That's Yui for ya! Did you really need Fathead of Chuck Norris?". She yells "Is That's how you think of me?!! I needed that!", Mira giggles "Sorry BFF♪". They come to a shop as they walk into the city "Bull Rental?", "What is it for?", "You'll need bulls in this kind of city?". Yui sashays inside "EXCUSE ME! WE WANT A BULL!", Chiba and Mira yell "WAIT! FIND WTH IT IS FIRST!". A man turns around "Welcome. renting a bull? How many people?", she smiles "3!". He pulls a boat up "What kind do you want? If there's 3 of you, you'll need a Yagara!", Yui answeres "Fry them please!", Chiba walks in "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!???". The owner then notices "Wait, you traveled here!? You're tourists! That means you probably don't know what Bulls are!", he points into the water "See, there's more water than streets here. We would use motor boats but, it'll be dangerous, so we use bulls to pull us in the narrow street. You'll need to travel around and to even tour the city". Mira asks "Do you attach the boat to the fish?", he explains "No, we mount them on top of the bull. 3 will only costs $50.". Yui looks at them "Awwww They're so cute, they look like horses!", one licks her face! "It feels like when I'm licking my lips, except if I got my eyes, hair and up my nose.". She wipes her face with a hankie as he laughs "Oh, that 1 likes you! I'll give you him!", later they all were mounted on Yagara! Yui shouts "Alright! Let's go Yagara!", the shop owner waves "Take care!", Mira waved back "Thanks for the horse, bulls... fish!". The yagaras speed off "So awesome!!! and Fast! You go Yagara!" Yui shouts! Chiba looks at it "This things freakishly strong...", Mira adds "It's great they're like horses: they won't chase random junk like squirrels... We'd be bucked off really far!!!". They came to residental place... They bulls start swimming up a waterslide "Wait this is the wrong way!" Chiba shouts, Yui watches as they travel above the buildings "This fish is really strong!". Chiba reminds the girls "We're suppose to go through the market, that's what it says on the gps! Fuckers! You're swimming the wrong way!", Yui gives a cute smile "We'll be at the exchange, we always make it, even there's alot of them at home!". They slid into a market place! The shinigami smiles "A... Are we at the market!!!?", Mira smiled "Was that a shortcut!?". Yui looks in the distance "Look! A super big bull!", a whale passes by them!!! "It looks like it can swallow us!" the demon girl and Shinigami said as it passes them. Mira looks around "Masks? They look so high class, I wonder who are they?", she watches the passenger on the giant bull... She turns to see more people on Yagaras "If you look carefully, there's a lot freaks wearing masks... It looks kinda scary...". Later they came to a enormous tower "Okay, we should be at the shipyard soon! We just need to take the aquatic elevator!" Mira says as she stares at a tour guide! Yui repeats "Aquatic elevator?". A guide screams as everyone floats in "This way to the shipyard elevator! No smoking, coughing, peeing, littering, defecating or fuliculi in the elavator please!", the Yagara swim into the tower... The water starts filling up the the room! They spray out over the rooftops! "Water 7 is so much fun!" Yui yells, Mira smiles "They do everything with water!". Meanwhile Seirro walks from the lower deck of the judgement "Kirik, hey kirik! Where's Fusagi, did she leave too???", the teen sighed "Fo shizzle... I'm upset they made me stay here, I wanted to go with her instead!". Seirro sighs "Ah fuck, it'll be boring with just you... I'm going...", Kirik answers as the deamon leaves "If I had tits, it wouldn't be...". Seirro turns around "???! What the hell did you...?", he sighs "Nothing man... I just wish everyone was back on the ship... with me... with titties...". Seirro left the boat, while Kirik "found something to do". Meanwhile the others floated into the city central! They notice a crowd staring at the mechanics, Yui hops onto the street "What happened?!!". A man answers "Some fucking pirates were causing trouble, but as usual, the carpenters took care of them! Stupid retarded fucks...", she tilts her head as she wonders "The carpenters?", the man answers "Yes... you must be a tourist! Yes? Anyway the crowd gathered here to see what happened!" he smiles "The carpenters of galila are the idols of the people in this city. They're good at mechanics and combat, they're the proud of water 7!". Yui smiles "Really? Sounds interesting!", meanwhile a thug almost sliced Kirik!!! "!!!!? I thought you were still jizzing?" he leers, Kirik deflects his sword as he still held himself "Who... who the hell are you!?". The thug jumped back from him "Huhuhuhuhu... Kirik the shaman. Famous in england...", one of his crew adds "We're bounty hunters.", "Kids crap themselves when they see us!", "We are the Franky family!", "The "reward" we'll get for you will be ours!!!". The "leader" finishes "After that, we'll hide in your ship, and catch your crew too! We'll be rich!", they rush him "We're so lucky!". Kirik blocks his sword "Lucky? More like unlucky!", he knocks back into his crew! They yell as they charge "Unlucky? You thought of that by yourself? Retard!", Kirik sighs "It sounded cool in my head...", he holds up his gloves "Nitou Thunder Sai Kuru!". He flings the crew into the sea!!! "Made me miss my climax! Now I gotta start again...". Meanwhile Fusagi and Touka walks on a street "The crystal clear water and the sidewalk are so nice.", Did you notice those creepy masked people? It kinda kills the nice feeling!". Fusagi explains "They're going to a costume party.", Touka freaks "You can read everyone's thoughts!?". She replies "No, I can hear them talking, fool! I don't need them here.", the vampire sighs "I didn't assume you could here everyone talking at the same time "supergirl", how the fu...", she suddenly runs to a shop "Oh fuck! It's a buther place! Let's go!". Fusagi sighs "I don't even eat raw animal blood (Fufufu It's still cute, she wants me to join her so much...)", the girl follows until a person in a costume walks by "CP9". Fusagi looks scared, then follows the man... she looks back once more, before she follows the creep... Meanwhile Touka noticed Fusagi didn't follow, "Hm? Fusagi!!!? Hey Fusagi!!". Meanwhile in a cash exchange "Onemillion dollars!!!?", "I... idiot! Keep it down, areyou trying to tell everyone in town!???", "Keep it down Yui!!!". They listened to the appraiser as he says "Yes these, are worth every penny! The crowned jewels are the best gold, you can possibly find...", Chiba laughed "With so much money, it's more than enough to repair the judgement!", the man adds "I'll go and prepare the cash...". Mira suddenly kicks the table open! "I have to tell you 3 things Mr. appraiser: #1 That girl is the god killer, #2 I don't think your offers good enough, 3# If you don't make us a decent offer, we'll snatch your head off!", later after the soldiers swam in their money! They walked to the shipyard "It's scary how much money that turned... Yui swinging that suitcase!" Chiba yells, Yui giggles "Mira's face was scarrier!", the demon girl laughs "I knew they gave us alot to make up for the repairs for the judgement and any problems! You 2 didn't look confident, so he tried to take advantage of you!". Yui laughs "Everything went great..." she mistakenly throws her suitcase! Her friends freak, then flew at the money "$100 million!!!!", they miss the suitcase and fell into the water! Yui pulls it back "So close, sorry!", after bopping the girl, they travel back to the shipyard "Good the crowds gone!" Chiba smiles. Yui looks at the mechanics "1st... let's look for Mr Iceberg!", the shinigami asks "Is it okay if we're here without a appointment?". Yui walks to the shipyard "Excuse me!", Mira sighs "Yui, you...", a man suddenly grabs her face "Hey. Hold on, you're not from here! Let's go talk outside...". Later the soldiers and the man speak "Only employs are allowed in there! So what're here for kiddos?" he asks, Mira answers "We're here to see Mr Iceberg!". He looks at their letter "Oh... it's a recommendation letter from Mrs. Kokoro of the shift station.", Yui tilts her head "How old are you? ...Sir!". "I'm 23." he answers, she replies "You talk old...". Mira asks "Do you know Mr Iceberg?", he answers "I don't sound that old... And how could I not? He's the mayor of Water 7.", Yui looks surprised "He is!?". He answers "Yes, he's also the big cheese of Galila, and manages the sea train! He's also a very busy man, you just need your ship repaired right?", he stretched "Where's your ship?" . "It's docked at the peninsula.", he answers "I'll go there and check out the condition of your ship. That way things will go faster when you talk to Mr Iceberg, you can also negotiate a price that way.". Chiba asks "Check it out? With a Yagara bull?", he chuckled "Wahahahaha... If I do that, you'll have to wait forever. I'll be back in 10 minutes!". He suddenly charged off the building!!! Chiba freaks "He jumped off the building! Did he just kill himself!", the mayor walks behind them "It's alright, he does that all the time.". Mira turns around "Who are you?!!!", he ignores her "They call him the Yamakaze. Mountain Wind. He's galila, 1# Chief mechanic: Tatsumi!".
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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