A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
There Is Someone To Admire
THE NEXT DAY, EVERYONE PREPARED FOR THE MISSION... "He told us to deal with Ragnoiroc" Seirro repeated irritated, Touka replies "Penance Sama is a prick, no matter what has happened, he can't order Yui, you and Mira to kill Ragnoiroc...". Mira frowned "What I really hate is that they decided that we should kill Ragnouroc, without telling us!!? ", Chiba walks into the room " I just got back, heard the turd hit the fan...". Touka stood "Chiba, you're a Kami too right? In that case, go talk to Penance Sama! That old fart asked Yui and the others to kill Ragnoiroc, he could still be manipulated by Madoka... this was too hasty!". Chiba frowned "What Ragnoiroc did was unforgivable! The avatar's Tsar and Puukasha(?)'s murder... In the incident where the immense black sphere swallowed up an entire city, with all it's dwellers. Ragnoiroc's beatdown is inevitable.". Zolo stood up! Mira stopped him... "I remember when he was here... he was too curious and excited to meet others, he couldn't of did this himself.", Chiba glares "Let me finish. I want to say that there doesn't exist, something like a absolute order." Kirik spoke "But even among the soldiers gathered here, not only is thier nationality different but also their race and obviously everybody got their respective values. The sole thing that keeps us sane human beings, is order right? Sometimes even a badass mutha trucka like me, can be kind. But only because he abides to that order, if a Kami like you, doesn't abide by that order, humanity will be bullsh...". Chiba interrupted "But there are even people who don't accept this order to kill Ragnoiroc. I think Penance Sama ordered Ragnoiroc's closest friends to deal with him, because he knows they'll be ticked off, if anyone else did. No matter how low it will go we don't have any other choice, stop bitching...". Fusagi thought to herself "He became really angry", Mira and Yui thought... "I have to meet Ragnoiroc before anyone else.". Later Mira went onto a balcony... "I will search for him with my full preception range...", she felt everywhere... her range stretched over the world, missing only hidden areas. Until she felt a sensation flow through her! "The moon!? I found him... the kinshin...". She told everyone, a plan was made to fly to the moon!!! Stein spoke to Penance Sama, he asked Him to let Chiba come being a Kami too... Chiba and every avatar they could get, was sent to the battle! The battle for order!!! Chiba turned towards his comrades "Yui, Mira Those are the orders, sorry... Penance Sama cannot go to the moon, I have to fight this as a Kami. This is irresponsible but, Yui... you should be the one to stop Ragnoiroc, I leave her to you.". Yui warmly smiled "Ok♪ I understand.", Seirro walked to him "Your operation is more dangerous than ours, don't die okay... can you die?". Chiba smiled "Haha, Zolo will hold a grudge against me, if I do that. There is no doubt now, he is the strongest in Soul Hoshi. That's fustrating... since he's a ass... But I will not stop here, I will surpass him again!". He turned towards Seirro "Don't metioned to Zolo what I said here, he'll bite me!", they bumped fists "Yeah, I know that.". Chiba started to freak out "Let's do that with the left hand too", Seirro bumps his fist again as Yui laughed "Geez, you never change". Later Yui, Seirro and Mira were walking outside, they talked about Mira's Soul preception ability streatching over the world!? Seirro then said tired "It woukd be better if we stop searching for Ragnoiroc today...", Mira followed her best friend until she felt another sensation... She glared at the moon... Meanwhile Aizen leered at her from on top of the invaded moon as his face peeled off revealing a kinshin!!! ... "She found me out, huh...". The next day Yui and Mira tried to find Ragnoiroc! Both were tired from constant searching... Seirro walked up behind them "You're not going to find him, it was lucky you even found the kinshin... ". He drops towels on the girl's heads, Mira glared "Damn, I found the kinshin, but...", Seirro repied "I just said it was only a coincidence, retard...". Mira glared "I know that!!", he then walked away as he says "Let's call it a day". Yui and Mira followed him, Mira seethed "I'll find him, Yui! I swear...". Meanwhile Touka was thinking to herself... "A will huh... even if they told us to write a will because we'll participate to the kinshin's purge, I don't have anyone I want to leave my testament", meanwhile Kirik and Zolo were jogging... "Zolo, you want to participate to the kinshin purge as well?". Zolo replied "Sure, their mission will stand out alot more. But they threatened: if I snuck aboard, they'll sneak tapeworms in my food...", meanwhile every avatar raised/ trained in Nottingham Soul Hoshi, gathered in their Kami room. Penance Sama warns them "As soonst as preparationst are donest, west will sortie. In thest meantime, thou shouldst meet withst people thou wantst to sayst goodbye too.". Meanwhile in Soul Hoshi dungeon, Mami freaked as she heard movement everywhere!!! "It is quite noisy, OMG! maybe Red Foxx is still alive?!!" (She holds her chest...) "The traces of the snakes, that Madoka put in my body disappeared... She is dead♪". Meanwhile Yui walks to Sei, he waited for her on a balcony... "What's wrong!? You had to use the public announcer... it must be horrible!". Sei smiled "Sorry, sorry I wanted to meet you nomatter what. You know we have to go to the moon...", (the pedophile reachs in his coat). "I wanted to give you something before I go...", he pulls out a ring. Yui asks "A ring?". Sei smiled as he thought out loud "You probably don't want to recieve it, but this is a wedding ring I had before my little girlfriend left me... When I was young, I was totally broke, so I happened to found it in the ground... according to the discription, There is a charm on it, that purifies from misfortune and madness. I couldn't give it to the woman...". He drops the ring in Yui's hand... "Thanks♪♪", He suddenly hugged her... "Ragnoiroc is a poor child, save him... I'm the worst creep ever but, he was raised by Madoka! The 1st time Stein saw him, he should have stopped him...". Yui pulled away... "Why didn't I think of that?", she ran "Thanks Mr Sei♪ I'll absolutely find Ragnoiroc!". Sei smiles "Mmmm, Loli's are delicious...". Meanwhile in Saint Mario church... "That child was here yesterday too", "Why is she mumbling all alone over there?" 2 nuns spoke to eachother, as Ragnoiroc sat in one of the pews. "The kinshin, the kinshin is mine... Right Madoka Sama? All these sqares makes a circle... All t...", they stood... "I have to do it...". Meanwhile Yui and Mira used Soul preception, they searched italy... "The place where everything between us began... Saint (Super) Mario (I tried hard, not to say that) Novella's church. I found her, I know the reason why she is there. This is the last request for help from her.". Meanwhile, Stein leered "I will take surpreme command of this motha f@čк@rs, give a mission as squad leader to every avatar. Fu fu... the moon huh...". He blew smoke as Momo thought "He's enjoying this, like he does baked testicles...", in a few days Stein and other avatars from Hoshi City built a ship!!!
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Happy Halloween Finale!

First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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