MONTHS AFTER THE PAIN ARC, THE SOLDIERS SEEM TO LIVE PEACEFULLY, UNTIL ONE DAY... Momo and Katsuyu walk together in Hoshi City streets, "I haven't seen him in months, that jerk better get here soon...", "Don't worry, he's always off on a mission, everybody else left and came back fine!". Momo replied "But... I love him, it's completely different from if... Sei were to be killed, I wouldn't lose weight because of that...", Katsuyu giggled "You haven't "lost" weight because of Stein eithet! Heeheeeheeheehee!". Momo glares at her, "Oh shit... I gotta go, see ya!" Katsuyu shouts scared, she runs into a store... Momo sighs, then hears a familiar voice? "Mrs Stein?", she turns "Gin?! I haven't seen you in years! How are you?". He laughed "Fine! I've been doin' great! Hey, let's catch up somewhere more private!", Momo rubs her stomach "Alright♪". She follows him into a empty alley... "Why're we talking here?", Gin replied "Because no1 wants to hangout behind a courthouse...". Momo laughed "No... that's strange. We coulda went back to your place, or back to Soul Hoshi...", Gin turns "Ah... fine... I guess we gotta ruin the surprise, Turn around...". Momo turns to see "S... Stein?!", he smiles warmly "How have you been, Momo?". She walks up to him "I thought you WERE DEAD!!! What the heck?!!", Stein laughs "I'm sorry... as you can see I'm alive! I was in a much more serios, mission. I had to fake my own death...". Momo grabs his coat "You meanie!!! You coulda told me!", he pats her head "Jeez, I'm sorry, you must've been broken hearted...". Momo changes from a mad to upset look... "It's Sosuke's hand, just like before it heals my heart... and this hospital smell... it really is my husband!♡", she cries into his coat "I'm so sorry... poor girl, you've even lost weight..." (She smiles as he continues) "I had to make everybody believe I was dead... I had to..." Stein starts, Momo interrupts as tears stream down her cheeks "It's okay... just knowing you're alive, is good enough for me.", He smiles warmly "Thanks... you forgiving me, believing in me, even with this madness... means so much to me, I enjoy the time we have together...". Stein suddenly stabs through Momo!!!? "Goodbye". She looks at the blood covered handle, then up at her husband... " Sosuke?", she drops. Stein shook the blood off his sword, then says "Let's go, Gin.", he replied "Yes.". The two walk away... until Chiba suddenly flies to them "Stein! Gin?", Stein replied "Hi there Chiba...", he spoke to Gin without turning away "Gin... he's here sooner than expected...", Gin answeres "Soory Izuru must failed...". Chiba stared "What the hell you talkin' about?", Stein replied "Tatics of course, Chiba freaked as the doctor explained "This is what you do when you're plotting against a enemy.". Chiba then feels Momo's energy dropping!!!? "Where's Mrs Momo?!!!", Stein leered "She...". Chiba ran pass them "M... Momo...", Stein turns around "Oh shit, you found her... I didn't mean for you to see her like that... I shoulda chopped her up into pieces and hid them.". Chiba trembled "Sosuke Stein... how long were you conspiraring against us?", he sneers "From the begining...". The shinigami turns "From the end of the PAIN ARC?", Stein rolls his eyes "You catch on slowly... seriously, I said from the BEGINNING!!! I mean when I 1st joined Soul Hoshi, I planned to take over...". Chiba yells "What about Mrs Momo!!? She let you into her soft, sweet regions and you betray her!!!?", Stein replied "Yes, that made it easier, I planned it since we 1st dated years ago. Chiba shouts "You... betrayed us all... How could you decieve everyone!!!?", he leered "I didn't betray anyone, rather, you couldn't see my true nature!". Chiba used "SOUL STAR!!!", he aimed his death cannon at Stein "Sosuke Stein, I will kill you.". Sosuke smiles "Threats are made by pissants.", Chiba prepared to fire, he suddenly fell as blood squirted from his dismembered arm... "I... can't...". Stein leered "Oh... shit!". He walks away again with Gin, snickering... Robyn and Ana suddenly ran up to them, "Fuck!!! SERIOUSLY!!!? When am I going to be able to leave?!!!". Robyn walks to him "Professor Stein, no... Sosuke Stein, the traitor.", Stein leered "Robyn... when did you find out... (sigh)", she replied "When you went missing, EVERYBODY except you came back to Hoshi City, and you gave no reply nor hint that you were okay or dead, you just hid...". Stein ran his fingers through his white hair "I didn't hide... and... I was here the entire time, I needed something. But you guys couldn't see me.", they looked confused as he smiles once more "Look... Shatter Kyoka, Suigetsu" he vanished, then reappears... "My Manipulated ki, is called:Kanzen Saimen". Ana replied "?? I thought it was just a quick illusion thing?", he walks to them "No... It's perfect hypnosis over your vision, nose, feel... everything. It'll make a person seem like bog, or a fly into a dragon, it can make think anything I need until I release it's hypnosis. I had time to get what I wanted and now, I must grasp it within my hands.". Ana suddenly charged!!! Sosuke teleports away with Gin, meanwhile Cirris walks to the academy's kitchen, when Sosuke appears with Gin and another former soldier!!! Sierro happens into the hall, feeling Stein's soul suddenly appear from no where? "Stein, you alright...". Sosuke smiles "Ah... Seirro, I told you, smoking's bad for you... never mind... I came here for Cirris, and I'll be going.". Seirro tilted his head "You want Cirris?", Stein walked closer "Please stand aside...". Meanwhile Robyn ordered Ana "I'll heal the other 2, you inform everybody!", the soldier squats and holds her hands up "(Damn... why I have to strike a pose?!!) Kakushi Tsuijaku TentaiKura!!!". She feels everyone except the traitors listening to her mind "Acquistion, successful! All Sou Hoshi Solduers and Avatars, this is Ana Leonheart Soldier of Soul Hoshi Nottingham!!! This is a urgent message from Robyn and myself, listen carefully, wht I'm about to telll you, is the truth!!!". AFTER ANA TELLS EVERYONE STEIN IS A ASSHOLE, "Mr Prof Stein's betraying us?" Yui asks, another soldier replied "Yes... there's no reason to render himself invisible... completely undetectable to us, except if he needed to do something secretly, I doubt he set up a rave party, so there's only 1 thing left...", Fatashi tilted his head "He's a pervert?", the soldier replied "No... He's been watching us when he wasn't away, he's been away from Soul Hoshi for years, and just came back last year... a while after he's been quietly helping until now, when we needed him... We should've suspected something then, but this message makes everything clear... There's a fucking scary reason, he's with Cirris now!!!". Yui turns toward Soul Hoshi Academy, meanwhile Stein laughed "What? :)", Seiro stands in front f Cirris "I said no, fucker...". Gin prepares to attack "Wait Gin..." Sosuke orders "If you won't let me have Cirris, then I can't help you. But I'll let you have your way, Cirris stays behind you... But the rest, has to go...", he draw a sword as he steps to him!!!
To Be Continued... :D
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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