A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Mr Iceberg!
SEIRRO FLOATS ON A YAGARA AS HE TOURS THE CITY! "The city of water, is kinda nice", he blushed as he thought "It'll be nice if I could date Yui and Touka here... heheheh, a girl in each hand...". The worker he floated to freaked "What happened to your face!!!?", he snaps out of dream, then asks "Sorry, hey old lady: Where can I buy some seasonal produce around here?". He buys so much, he needs to carry the food on land... "This place is not very pedestrian friendly is it? Did Touka, Zolo or Fusagi come through here?", he suddenly sees Fusagi "Oi, Fusagi...". She around the corner with a costumed person... He walks up to her "Oi, oi Fusagi!", he looks around the corner, the girl and the strange person disappeared!!!? "That's strange... There's no door or road, I don't feel her soul either...", he suddenly feels Tatsumi flying over head?!!! "WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH THIS PLACE?!!! We're the only 1's who could fly!". Meanwhile the mechanic lands on the judgement "We probably have to replace the mast...", he suddenly heres Kirik scream "HOLD ON A M TO THE I TO N TO UT! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?". Tatsumi looks up "Sorry, did I wake you kiddy?", meanwhile Iceberg still continues his explanation "Heeheehee♪ Don't understimate our mechanics! In order to yield the best result, we get above averge physic workers". He turns toward his assistant "Haruhi?", she adjusts her swiled glasses "Yes. The investigation's complete. Karis Ai, nickname Yui. AKA The godkiller! Bushin Zolo, and Fusagi Tsunou... Their bounties combined are worth over $239 million!". Chiba asks "Why do they want them so bad?", Icebergy finally introduces himself! "It must of been hard getting here! I am the head of this city: Mr. Iceberg." he rubs his pet "And this gopher rat, I adopted today is called... T-Rex!". He turns toward Haruhi "Please get him some food, and a cage.", "It is done Mr Iceberg.". He freaks "Oh shit, you're like a shooting star Haruhi!", she adjust her glasses "You excite my innards, sir.". Haruhi then reads his schedual "May I remind you of your meeting in the glass factory, your speech in the plaza, and meet another mayor and go over your documents in your office.", he yells "I DON'T WANT TO!", she crosses out the paper "I'll cancel all of that...". Chiba glares "You can't do that!", he smiles "I'm Iceberg: of Mother fucker water7". Yui states "You're unreliable.", Haruhi suddenly kicks at them!!! "ILL MANNERED BITCHES!!!". Yui stands up "You wanna fight!?", Mira freaks "She scared me back there...", Chiba laid on the ground "I could see the full length of her body: her limbs are... uneven...". Harui continues "How dare you speak like that about the world's best mechanic!!!? I'm sorry I lost my calm back there, but Mr Iceburg is the hero of the city!", he adds "Please don not make Haruhi angry...", he cries as he bruises up "Or all hell breaks loose!". Mira and Chiba laughs, she then calms down "We got a letter for you Mr Iceberg!", he reads it "Check out their ship, and let's "pogostick" tomorrow♡". He rips it up, Chiba freaks "AH!!!!!!", Mira begged "Please fix our ship, we can pay!!!", he smiles "No problem!". Chiba falls flat "Then why did you tear up the letter?", he answers "I didn't like her invitation to ride my dingdong... eeeeee! Anyways, Tatsumi went to check out your ship. So we'll wait until he returns", he picks his nose "Since I'm bored today, I'll show you around.". Chiba glared "Then why did you cancel all your appointments!!!?", Yui punches the air "OK! Let's go the shipyard!". Chiba turns... "I almost forgot our...", he sees the Frank family floating away with their money!!! The shinigami aims at them "Robbers!!!", Iceberg turns around "The Franky Family...". Meanwhile a mechanic jumps of a bridge right by the robbery! "Rope Action!", he leers "Hey fuckers, I don't have any cash so I'll...". He wraps up both teams on the yagara, then smashed them together! "Heheheheh! Now I don't have to waste money, renting 1 of these stupid things... I...", he hears Chiba "Hey! Thanks! That money's ours by the way!". He looks down "Hm? This?", the mechanic waves as he floated away... "I'LL SHOOT YOU, FUCKING BASTERD!". Chiba shouts! Later he came back with a tall man in a tanktop and pipe hat, holding is ear!!? "I said I won't run anymore! Let go of my ear Mori!", the soldiers noticed them coming. Yui giggles "Awesome, what a relief, right?", Ciba pulled Yui's face "What kinda attitude was that!!!? You didn't move at all!". She explains laughing "That pigeon guy said, leave it to me!", Iceberg adds "Nma... a domestic problem should be stopped by us, or we'll lose face...". Mira asks "Who were those shits?", Haruhi turns tosard her "The Fanky family. Professional ship scavengers, bounty hunters, kidanappers and assholes.", Yui laughs "They didn't look tough!". Iceberg answers "Those were just small fries... Their boss hasn't did anything yet... YOU shoul NEVER UNDERESTIMATE FRANKY himself...". Yui stares as the workers came back "Our group's scumbag cost you some problems, for that we're apologize!" the pigeon says, Mori pushes the other worker on the ground "Hurry up and apologize Kasanoda!". He rushes to Yui, and pushes the money in her hands "Here! I got your money back! I'll only charge 10%!". Mori hits his freaking head, with a hammer!!!? "Sorry customer, he REALLY needs th e money" the pidgeon says, Kasanoda glares "You hit me WITH A FUCKING HAMMER! YOU COULDA SMASHED MY HEAD OPEN! YOU PIECE OF CRAP!!!". He wrapped rope around Mori's wrist! Then slung him over him, head first into the cement!!! Mira screams "ISN'T THAT GOING OVER THE EDGE!!!?", Chiba freaks "LOOK!!! He broke the fall with just 1 hand! HIS FUCKING FINGERS ARE IN THE GROUND!!! THE FUCK IS HE?!!!". Mori stands back up, Kasanoda get's in a fighting stance "You want more? Come on!!!", Iceberg sighs enough Kasanoda!". Mori turns toward Yui "Hi! I'm Mori's pigeon: Hattori chan, and this is Takashi Morinzuka!", Mira freaks "I get it! He's a ventriloquist!", Yui cheers "Awesome! How do you do that!!!?". Kasanoda laughs "This guy never talks directly, he's a freak!!!", he notices Mira! "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!!? YOU ARE SO SHAMELESS, SHOWING OFF YOUR LEGS LIKE THAT!". He glares as Mori holds him back! "THIS IS A ALL MAN FACTORY!!! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO!!!?", Haruhi glares "Please calm down Kasanoda!", he yells at the assistant "SHIT! EVEN HARUHI'S WEARING SUCH A SHAMELESS SEXY OUTFIT!". Yui laughs as Chiba sighed "What the hell is he talking about? Is pervert, or a gay?", Yui giggled "He's the real freak!", she then sighs "He didn't notice how short my skirt is...". Later they show the soldiers around the shipyard!!! All the workers great Mr Iceberg as he walked in "Mr Iceberg is really populer here, the fucker united all the shipyards together, and is the best mechanic in the city! All workers respect him as a leader! They won't bow to politics or pirates, that's the way it is in the mechanic's world!" Haruhi "rides his pole", Yui rushes to him "Mr Iceberg, everyone says you're a really good mechanic! Would you come to england with us!?". Everyone freaks!!! Iceberg laughs "You need a mechanic?", she smiles "Yeah, we broke the ship our Dr made... And we'll need someone to keep it working until we make it back...". The mayor chuckles "You can use any mechanic from here, I don't mind if you take 1, although I'm sure no one wants to travel witha bunch of moro... I mean move to England...", he smiles "By the way is there someone named Fusagi Tsunou: on your ship?". Yui giggles "Yeah! She's real smart!", meanwhile Chiba freaks as he stares at a cannon "A demi cannon... It's not the same length as the others!!!!!" he measures it "It's 1/2 cm shorter than the other!!!", the Frank family sneaks behind him as he freaks... Meanwhile Tatsumi comes back "Ah! Have you seen our ship?" Mira asks, he answers "Yes I did...". Mira and Yui pull up the suitcases "How much will it cost? We got tons of money!" Yui laughs, Tatsumi explains "Let me be frank: Your ship suffered quite a bit of damage, what have you degenerates done?", Mira smiles "Uh... um... We're murders... We had to keep our skill sharp... Will it take a long time?". He answers "No. The truth is... We won't be able to fix your ship...", Kasanoda asks "Is the keel broken?". The worker replied "Yes, it's been buggied up severely...".
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