Continued... :@
FUSAGI STARES AT OBITO, LOOKING AT THE KINSHIN... "His wavelength's failing... he's ready to die...", Obito then said "Cirris, Fusagi... hold no to me..."., Kaguya turns toward them!!!? They freak... Lin thought "Shit, she's noticing what we're doing...", Kaguya then turns toward Cirris and suddenly flew to him!!! "I rather take the trapped 1!!!", Cirris thought "I have to do something fast! I can't use Chakra or she'll absorb it, I hafta distract her, then attack! I hafta get into her dimension too, so I can save Mira...". The weakling hears Strength Kami "I increased your Chakra to a boiling point!!!", Cirris leers "Thanks!". He destroyed the mountain collapsed on him, "I refined your chakra, Cirris." Penance Sama said. Cirris leers "Awesome, Kage Bushin No Jutsu!!!". Millions of Cirrisss...sss...sss(????) appear around her!!! They all rush the kinshin "I'll take YOU, now!!!!", the clones kick at her, she blocks them with her hands and foot, miilions more suddenly pop up!!! "Cirris Dimension Filling Attack!!!". Kaguya blushes then escapes through a portal!!! Cirris flew after her, "Now here's the chance for the real me, to catch her!!!". Kaguya lands in the desert dimension... Blackzetsu looks up "Oh, so you're here? Are you the real 1?", Cirris(?) replies "So what if I am?!!!". Blackzetsu spoke to his mother "Mother... we can't let him stay,... this is the space between dimensions, he can sense Mira here... I had no idea what to do with him when he pulled off that move earlier, but now I know... We must kill him.", Kaguya answered "We can't, I want his balls...". Blackzetsu then said "I know, but mother... you had sex with so many others, and have more people popping up too... There's alot more balls to suck later... it'll be horrible if the lan we worked on for years, to pop now, becuase of a pair.", Kaguya sighs "Alright..." as large bones erect from her shoulders and back... She aimed at Cirris "This should kill you...", and fired "All Killing Bone Ash!!!". Cirris dodged the first bone but was hit by the second!!! "AAAAAAAAAH!!!!!". Blackzetsu leered as Kaguya flies back "Now without him, all the clones in the iceworld, should be gone!!!", Obito and Fusagi appear after they leave "Wether or not that was the real Cirris, he bought us enough time to hide in my dimension, and come here...". Meanwhile Kaguya flew back to the iceworld, and sees millions of Cirris...sss...sss clones, still there!!!? Lin stares "Did he go all the way there just to be defeated?", Blackzetsu looks at the clones "How the fuck did he trick us???". Kaguya thought "I knew... I already knew, this whole time... that the real 1... has balls!!!", she suddenly charges at Cirris!!! With the Goudo balls floating around him!!! Cirris thought "I hafta keep Kaguya distracted, until they find Mira!!!" they fought... Meanwhile Fusagi and Obito opened different dimensions, searching for Miya "No.. Nope...", a dimension opens, acid pours out of the portal!!!? "A sea of Acid!!!? Why the fuck is their even a fucking dimension of acid!!! Why the hell is this fucking here, who lived in this shit????" Obito yells as he hops back, Fusagi dodges and tears off her ninjasuit's coat... She heals herself as Obito watched "Are you okay? Maybe we should break?". Fusagi walks behind him "No... I'm fine, let's keep going!", Obito leered "Alright..." as she puts her hands back onto his shoulders. They open another... and find Mira walking through the desert!!!? "C'mon Mira!!!", "Hey c'moon girl!!". Mira notices them and starts running to them... Obito starts losing chakra "Fuck...", the portal starts turning smaller... "Fuck!!!!". Fusagi pours all her Chakra into him "C'mon, duck everything in the freaking world!!!", the portal closes... Fusagi passes out... But is caught by Mira!!!? "You???". Mira smiled "It's my ability, I can switch places with any object I see!" she then laughs "Now why did you call to me like a dog???". Meanwhile Hagoromo explains everything to the dead ninja, "So right now, Cirris and Mira are at the heart of the fight?" Minato asks. Another dead ninja adds "Tell us what happened here, real quick, we don't have time.". Hagoromo replied "This nigga ain't half tha man he use to be, because my mommy dun broke 'em in half. Michilis can't hold what my moms can... But I havva plan ta stop her an' all this shit! But we press for time, so lisse' to wha I gotta say carefully!", meanwhile Kaguya fights Cirris's clones as Lin thought "Shit, Cirris, Fusagi and Obito are trying hard,while I'm just watching them fight. I want to stop her, I want to help them...". Kaguya grows the bone out of her hand and starts slicing through the clones, Cirris stares in awe at her badass skills until Fusagi, Mira and Obito pop through a portal!!! "Hey!!! Mira!!!", Kaguya suddenly stabs the man as he shouts!!!? Everyone freaks out until they hear him finish "Awesome, thanks Fusagi and Obito!!!". Fusagi sighs "Good... So you're alright...", Obito adds "That scared the shit outta me...". Blackzetsu shouted "Fuck... he gave his balls to a shadow clone?!!! How'd we get fooled by something so damn simple!!!?", he spoke to the kinshin "Mommy, we have to use all our Chakra and finish the 2 now!!!". Kaguya sighs "Alright...", everyone drops to the ground!!! Obito struggles "The gravity...", Lin finishes "She warped us to a dimension, where the gravity's 84× heavier... Looks like it's affecting her too...". Kaguya orgasms... then barely lifts her arms, and fired "All Killing Bone Ash!!!". Cirris and Mira barely dodge, the bones hit the ground before they go to far... She stares... "I missed... I'll compensate for the gravity. I won't miss again...". Lin got up and ran "I can't let them die, I need to do something, I have to save my baby's favorite man!!!", Obito ran too "I afta save them... after everything I done...", they stand in front of Cirris and Mira "Rin... I may see you again soon, Lin... Hopefully I won't see you for a while...". He warps the bone away from the philosopher!!!? Lin turns in surprise "Again, Obito!!!?", Obito smiles "Now me and Rin won't need to worry about you yet...". Lin glares "Why!? Why, we both were resolved to die!!!", Obito leers "Why do you want to waste time on something like me, living? You're still hope for the future...". Cirris suddenly stood up and tried to heal him, "Cirris, it won't work..." he still slowly crumbles... Blackzetsu laughed "Yeah, once this hits him, there's nothing that'll save him'!!". Mira sighs "Dammit... Cirris, I hate to say it, but even Kami can't save someone's destined to be killed... I'll go... and be the distraction..." she flew to Kaguya!!! Tears flow from Cirris's eyes as he puts his palm on him and feels the man dying... Blackzetsu taunts him as the man fell into pieces "Why're still trying to save shit like him??? He betrayed you humans, because of something Lin did, that he was ASKED to. Then decided to fuck the entire world for it, and even now, he's betraying us!!! He's just shit that should finally die!!!", Cirris almost retorts, when Obito interrupts "Cirris... stop.. it's alright... I fucked everybody up, but... when Imet you guys... I finally realized I hadn't fulfilled my hopes or dreams... I made others people suffer what I suffered... I deserve to crumble away... but at least I can feel the whole in my soul filling... I'll be happy... now... Goodbye... I hope you truly become a Kami yourself!", he leers at Cirris. Cirris leers back "Yeah!", Obito crumbles to nothing... Blackzetsu yelled "Finally, dammit... I thought he was shit, but he probably's a cockroach, he took forever to die!". Cirris warps to her!!! "Don't look down at life!!! He had dreams and desire just like you worthless jackass's!!!". Meanwhile Obito's soul possesses Lin!!? "Lin... I really don't want you to come after me too fast sooo...", Lin stares "We gonna fuse???". Obito leers "That sounds badass... much more badass than my idea... But Rin's waiting, so I'll just give you this:Lin of the Sharingan!!!". Lin awakes from Obito's possession with sharingan eyes!!! Mmeanwhile Cirris uses "Senpou Chou Kami Soulsengan!!!", the soulsengan hits before Kaguya can move!!! Her body starts shaping into many human and animal faces... Blackzetsu craps Kaguya "Dammit, mother's chakra and power of the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil's disappearing, she's turning into what she absorbed!!!", Cirris stares "What is that, a man... or a badger?". Mira replied "That's not important, we need to stop her while she's frozen!!!", a giant white hand suddenly stretch from the madness!!! Cirris's clone knocks the friends away!!! "Becareful!!! Those white hands will absorb you fast!!!" Cirris warns... Mira replied "I know... She's trying to fuck us to calm down!". They dodge and weave until Cirris notices one coming at Fusagi!!! "Mira, warp her!!!" he pleaded, but sees a White Roc pick her up??? "What the fuck...". They look up to see Lin inside him "Mr Ai!!!?" Fusagi asks,
Lin glares "I'll use my powers to save them, and the last of me to be a saviour of our future!". He suddenly fires giant shuriken!!! And warps them into Kaguya!!! Cirris stares "Badass...", Blackzetsu glares "Fuck, we'll need to destroy these assholes before they finally stop our centuries old plan... ". Kaguya creates a giant Goudama!!! It starts sucking in everything it touches!!! "It's bigger than my balls!" Cirris yells, Mira answered "Hahaha heeheehahaha! (ahem) it's creating space inside here... it's like she's creating another dimension!". Lin glares "Kamui can't warp something of that magnitude...", Fusagi adds "We can't run from it either... It's expanding too fast!". Lin spoke to the soldiers "Alright, this might be our last mission. Fusagi, Mira, Cirris... Let's save the world!!!", Kaguya asks "Save the world? It takes you both to maybe toy with idea of sealing me, and I only need to kill 1... And I'm immortal, who dares to fight me?". Cirris flies up from his clones!! "I'll take you on bitch!!!", they fly at her, she fires "All Killing Bone Ash!!!", Lin warps the bones away then flies to her using "Chidori!!!". She fires a bone at him, but warps through her using "RaiKiri Kamui!!!". Blackzetsu screamed "Mother's right arm, you fuck!!!", She turns to see Two Cirris's flying to her!!! "It take too much Chakra to warp away, so..." she fires a Bone at one, it disappears, and the other "Cirris" homes closer!!! She fired another, it's warped away with "Kamui"!!!! As another clone homes in!!! It's then warped away/changes places with the demon girl, both soldiers home in fast!!! Kaguya fires another bone at both but both are warped away again!!! "Damn... I can't warp to another dimension, they can easily break free... And I can't fire another All Killing Bone Ash, I..." she tries to fly out of the way... Fusagi suddenly slams her back down between the soldiers!!! "PK OFFENSEΩ!!! Whore!!!"!!!!! Lin smiles "That's picture perfect, I love you children!"...
"Six Paths Chibaku Tensei" suddenly creates a image of a monk, surrounding the fighters...
To Be Continued... :%
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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