Continued... :(
SEIRRO SCREAMED "TOUKA!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME!!!?", the creepy oldman smiled "I wonder if you decided then Seirro.". The deamon pulls "YOU BASTARDSSSSSSSSS!!!!!", the spares drag her by the alchemy circle "Well, let's try human transmutation shall we? Should we try a friend, family, lover? If your lover died here, would you transmute her too?". Touka replied "I won't die here, vampires have to be beheaded, dick...", the creepy oldman glared "You'll suffer worse than a human then: A sword probably catch you off guard again, but...". He pulls a philosopher stone "It'll be easy kill you and your friends unti l your "boyfriend" decides to save someone... Oh, no witty shit huh? I wonder if she's notices how stupid she is by saying that... or if she's daed?" he smiles cheerily. Touka thinks to Seirro, he then "I get it... I won't do human transmutation.". The creepy oldman gasped "How cruel of you! You fuck!", Seirro glared "I don't want to hear that from someone who threw presidential candidates like monkeys throwing crap.". The doctor leered "They died when there parents abandoned them, I gave them a education and a purpose! They should be thankful to me.", Seirro glares "You told us, you stole them when they were babies! The hell!???". The creepy oldman suddenly gets snatched into the ceiling!!!? He drops his philosopher stone, as Jelso held him "Thankful you said?". He then leered "Well for times like these I'm glad I got a body like this, all thanks to you! I honestly want to kill types like you", the creepyoldman shits "I'm the only 1 who can use alchemy now! She'll die, do you understand!!!?". Jelso smiles "That wasn't line wasn't event 3rd rate, oh Mr doctor...", Zanpano and Mei fell from the ceiling!!! They free the other soldiers, then started fighting! Seirro and Mei ran to the philosopher stone, when a spare kicked it away! Seirro set him on fire, he attacked still until Darius killed him. Mei ran to Touka, then healed her "I've stopped the bleeding, but she'll need a doctor!". Touka stands "I need blood to drink, if he slit my throat when I'm at full power, I'd eaten... no I'll catch the crazy from him...", Seirro looks up "Thanks everyone... you saved me...". Darius smiles "What, it's nothing!", Mei turns toward the philosopher stone... She sees Wrath picks it up, everybody feels the extra stone emitting from him... "I thought you of all people would not have hesitated to use human transmutation, if someone important to you falls right before your eyes.", Seirro replied "I was like that... But I have people to stop me, and I don't human transmutation... I'm not using alchemy now to make fire either...". Wrath chuckled "Despite my thinking, you pitiful humans can change despite the short time you have. Seriously humans... when they don't do what you expect them to... it nettles me so much...", Jelso fell from the ceiling!!!? "Run... away...". Darius feels the energy emitting!!! "Let's run for real!!! Zanpano, grab Jelso!!!", Pride fell from the ceiling too!!! Wrath suddenly charged Seirro!!! He threw fire, Wrath jumped through then pinned Seirro, by his hands into the alchemy circle!!! Pride kills the creepy oldman to transmute "This is the 5th 1", Wrath adds "The last 1". A light covers the room!!! Meanwhile all dogs bark at the ground, as the sun is eclipsed. Meanwhile Pride glared "We hoped to avoid this, but we're out of options, there's no time left.", Wrath adds "We will force you to open the gate, Pride assimilated a alchemist who possesed the knowledge and material", he gestures to the creepy oldman. Pride then says "I got him, get out of the circle Wrath.", Wrath jumps off as they're sucked in a light!!! Everyone freaks as they see a "ball" left from the light!!!? "THAT'S... not Seirro...", "The hell? Is that the faggot?". Wrath tilts "Have no fear, Seirro's been transported to Father's room. Although I can't guarantee he made it with his limbs attached.", he walks to them "Now then, you can all see the stae I'm in. Who will be remembered forever as the 1 who took my life? The chimeras? The bitch? The monster? Or perhaps, all of you want a shot at immortality?". Vassago rushed him "Save the faggots under us!!! I'll destroy this peon!!! You overlooked the Prince djinn: Vassago sama!!!", meanwhile Seirro sees Truth! Then is dropped into Father's lair! "Seirro?" Yui turns toward him, Pride drops too "Got the 5th 1 father...". Father explained "We got 5 bodies, but Mira Elric isn't with us at the moment.", Seirro sat up "Yui... where are we?". She replies "The boss's lair, what happened to you?!!!", Seirro then said "They took me to a empty white world with a massive gate, now everything's pitch black... I cant see any lights...". Yui stares in his eyes, as he stands then walks away... he trips... "You're blind?" Pride asks "Splendid! You're the most shitty out of all the alchemist... Now suffer anguish...". Father yelled "Truth is cruel: BFs who tried to resurrect a mother and good friend, 1 loses her soul, the other her body. A woman tries to bring back her dead child, to now never nurture aagain, the seed of life. And a man who had a grand vision to fix his life, but nows forever unable to see what he has achieved. All recieved proper punishment, and is robbed of their pride, that is what you himans refer to as God... The Truth...". Meanwhile everyone climbed down to Father's lair through a hole Wrath and Vassago's fight made... "A battle between 2 badass fuckers, I like it.", meanwhile Mira saw her body "My arms, my ass!!! My chest!!!!? Nevermind, I'll come after we kill him: a few more hours can't make you much worse..." she sighed. She woke up! Yui and Mira fought Pride, while Vassago fought Wrath and Mei fought Father!
To Be Continued... :C
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