Continued... :#
HUGE GEYSERS OF CHAKRA SUDDENLY ERUPT FROM THE GROUND, KNOCKING BACK THE SOLDIERS!!! Lin landed "Their waves of pure Chakra? Has it been absorbing it this entire time?", Fusagi asks "Waves of Chakra?!!! Why is it...", Mira replied "That parasite must've been eating everybody!". Cirris glares "We need to stop him, Mira! This Chakra's even higher than the Tree Of Life Kami!!!", Mira answered "Then let's kill him, here and now!!!" she used Chidori!!! Cirris used "Sage Staff!!!", they both rushed the man, but are suddenly grabbed by long white hair!!!? Fusagi almost rushed to, but is stopped by Lin "Wait... you have to think carefully about what you'll do. It's useless if you die before you help.". Cirris yells "Mira, we need to stop him!!! We might be OK a little longer, but everyone else'll die if he sucks their chakra!!!", Blackzetsu answered "I don't intend on killing anyone... No, Kaguya wants them alive...". Mira asks "For what?", he leers "You're even slower than your dad... Kaguya needs them for the perfect fuckers: After they're Chakra is drained, they'll be shells of their former selves, and all that'll be left is:WhiteZetsu.". Cirris yells "They'll be those white things?!!!", faces started forming into the chakra engulfing Michilis!!! Mira stared "He's absorbing too much chakra, his body's inflating!!!", Fusagi sensed it "It ate Michilis, I can't feel his wavelength or energy...", Obito's body dropped out of the chakra... The chakra silhouette shapes into Kaguya!!! She throws Cirris and Mira upon seeing them, Fusagi turns "Cirris, Mira!!!". She turns around again to see she's right next to the curvy kinshin!!!? Lin glared "Please don't do anything foolish now...". Cirris stared "She's the one the sage told us about...", Mira finished "Ootsutsuki Kaguya". Kaguya stares "They aren't my children... but their energy is so high...", Lin glared "What's your objective?". Kaguya looks sad "This place... this earth is my precious nursery, and I want nothing else to damage it... let's end this battle.", Cirris stares "Then...". She finishes "And erase you from this world once and for all.", the ground turns to lava!!! All soldiers suddenly fly over, Lin caught Obito, meanwhile Cirris and Mira prepare to fight... "Listen... Cirris, me and you are the only 1's who can stop her, if either 1 of us dies... it'll be the end of humanity...", Kaguya suddenly hit's their chakra points!!! Everybody to the lava!!!! Meanwhile the dead Ninja get up... "Finally, Michilis must be dead...", "Now we should find out how to free everybody", "My balls sting so bad?!!!", Kainen Ai runs through the battle ground "How could I help??? And where's Cirris? I can't feel his ki or soul at all now!". Minato sat up "Shit... once again... I hafta find them...", meanwhile Cirris suddenly holds everyone!!! Lin stares up "You have 4 giant hands?!!!", Cirris smiles "Thanks to the Kami!!! I have godhands!!!". Kaguya glares, then says "All of you, belong to me♡!!!", she fires a Bala!!! Cirris fires Soulmeha!!! Kaguya and Cirris push with Cero and Soulmeha, until she leers and knocks him back!!! "Now Mira!!!" he yelled, Roc flew behind her, and sliced with the Climtact!!! A huge explosion knocks the soldiers back, Cirris violently spun and drops the others!!! "Shit!!!". Mira then slams into the soldier, fell and held his foot... "Even Roc didn't have a effect...". Cirris's shadow clone caught the others and placed them on land... Mira meanwhile stretched one of the weakling's balls and stood on it, "I'm going to use this as a platform, we recieved some amazing powers but... it doesn't mean anything, if we don't kill her!". Kaguya then goes through space and appears behind the soldiers as they prepare to attack again!!! They both feel her soul, and turn to be held by her... She licks their cheeks as tears flow from her eyes... "I... can't move..." Cirris said as he erects. Blackzetsu pours from her sleeves and spit and covers their faces "They're draining our chakra!!!" he glares, as the parasite held the soldiers. "As she holds you, you remind her of of us, her children... Isn't she so kind, so supple? So voluptuous? Kaguya was sealed into her children and was alone... don't you truly feel sorry for her?". Cirris asks "Why would the sage seal her into himself???", Mira glares "What the hell are you shit? Who the hell was Hagoroma???". Blackzetsu answered "I am Kaguya's "eggs", her fetal children. Everything we did was to revive our mother: I shall enlighten you on this tail as I drain your chakra.", Kaguya looks deeply into the soldier's eyes with pouty lips as the parasite explains "I told you Mother was sealed in her sons, a technique that even used the Tree Of Life Kami's Chakra to seal her within a moon, after Asura was sealed within his skin... But on the verge of being sealed... There's no popcorn but you'll have to stick around and listen anyway! The sacred tree was our Mother's body, it was her that wrapped humans up and drained their chakra, Hagoroma is completely oblivious to everything. We used his family line to start our Mother's revival, the Elrics helped find the revised garbage he wrote too!!!", Mira glares "You manipulated my family line?!!!", Blackzetsu leered "Yes, that "Bible" the "extra" chapters your family found... I rewrote it. America found it, and believed that they had the saviour of the earth! We then controlled the drafting and training of:Michaelis Uchia Michilis. He was devout, and believed he truly was the new saviour and God. He was convinced that the world was ending, and started on his path to becoming the king of kings!!! Afterwards the creation of Whitezetsu started, the perfect soldiers to America, but in actuality, sex slaves created for our Mother, afterwards, we made sure every event was manipulated into her revival including: CP9, Father's effect on the USA and their army collecting even more power and data after watching the death of CP13. The whole war played perfectly according into my design, ultimately ending in the awakening of the Infinite Tsukuyomi. And with all the Chakra I collected from my puppets, I was able to revive Mother.". Kaguya smiles warmly "I love you♡, you belong to me!", Blackzetsu finished "My role has finished, now I shall return to the Almighty Mother Goddess.". Cirris glares "You monsters..." he tears off Blackzetsu!!! "ARE NOT OUR MASTERS!!! AND 1 MORE THING..." he tore it off Mira!!! "A MOTHER'S HAPPY WHEN THEIR CHILD IS SUCCESSFUL AND LEAVES!!!". Blackzetsu creeps back into Kaguya "Your rebellious phase lasted quite a while... Your Mother created Chakra, no matter what you do, it's useless.", Mira glares "You were about fuck that kinshin, right?" she asks telepathically. Cirris answers "Everyone's been hitting on me, or either groping me after I started dating... I had to stop it...". He then leers "Mira... I have a plan...", Meanwhile Fusagi stares... as Lin asked "What's she doing now?". The psychic replied "She's glaring at us...", Lin glares "I see... this isn't Genjutsu, either... it's on a completely different level than anyone we fought... it's as if she really is a God.". Fusagi turns toward one of Cirris's clones "How do you plan on fighting someone like that, Cirris?", he heals Obito... "I only know she's not God... anything could happen...". Meanwhile Mira turns to the wealkling "Are you serious?!!! I...", Cirris replies "We'll never know less we try, I know that this'll work if she's really like me...". Mira leers "If it could create a opening, I'll get ready...Let's do it!!!", Cirris leers "Alright!!!". Mira uses "Amateresu!!!", Kaguya's engulfed in flames, she flies out of them as Cirris flies to the Goddess "Eat this!!!". He used Kage Bushin No Jutsu, then "Reverse Harem No Jutsu!!!", Kaguya and Mira blush, Fusagi nose bleeds and Lin sighs. Fusagi then yells"Have you gone completely stupid!!! Using that at a time like this!!!? It works on me, but it couldn't possible on a Kinshin who's lost virginity, centuries ago!!!".
Cirris hits her toward the lava!!! "It worked!!!?" Fusagi screams with blood pouring from her!!! Cirris leers "Feels awesome, right?!!!", Kaguya leers until he and Mira surround her body!!! She warps everyone again, the soldiers are frozen in ice, she warps out of it and let's the icy snow cool her body down... Fusagi stares at her "She warped us?!! Where are you? I mean your real self?" she asks Cirris, he stares "Up on that fucking mountain.", Lin stared "She can warp us to any dimension, any time...", Mira ses "Amateresu Kagutsuchi!!!" and melts the ice!!! Cirris stares at the Goddess "She controls her privates better...", Mira replied "I didn't expect that to work, but she does look distracted... Kinda like you were when you saw her hair grab me...". She then leered "A'ight, let's try my plan!!!", Blackzetsu stared at the soldiers "They're becoming a nuisance... Why don't we seperate them, and pick them off while they're alone?". Kaguya puts her arm through space and snatches Mira into a desert!!!? Cirris tries to grab her, but the portal closes too fast!!! "FUCKING DAMN...". Blackzetsu leers "Now that they can't kill you, it'll be easy to deal with each, let's start by draing that nigga chakra!!!", she reached through space and almost grabs Cirris!!! Kaguya glares "He neither the Kami, willl let me... he's have awesome reflexes like this...", she walks between space... Cirris glares, waiting to see her pop out from anywher... until the land shakes violently!!! Meanwhile Obito woke up... "The hell... I thought I was dead?", Cirris's clone replies "I revived you... but it's temporary...". Obito sighs "I know... at least tell me what happened...", Lin explains "Michilis imploded, but now... we're fighting the kinshin who used him...". Meanwhile, in earth, the dead ninja find Michilis's body... "Oh fuck... Looks like he did it...", "At least it can't work on dead people...", "Whatever happened to him, made him look like he starred in psycho pass... he's half the man he was...", "Maybe we should use the techniques he used on us!!! And force him to tell us what happened!!!", "No my man... I don't wanna kill no 1...". They search the legs... until Hagoroma appears!!! "Yo, wastis up, niggers!!!!", meanwhile Cirris's clone finishes explaning what happened as they rush to Cirris!!! "Oh... so we need you both to destroy the kinshin... But Mira's gone!!!?", the clone replies "Yeah, but my real body's being fucked too... we hafta hurry!". They see the mountains beating the weakling, Kaguya warps back to them... Fusagi stares, "How does she do that!!!?". Obito stared at her... "I know how to get Mira back, I can use Kamui to warp into the dimension Mira's in... but I need alot of Chakra to copy and go to the area... I can't even promise it'll be it...". Cirris's clone volunteers "I'll go!", Obito sighs "Sorry, I'll need more to sync with her...". Fusagi then says "I conserved alot, because I use PK energy...", he turned "Alright, but we must becareful how we go in the dimension... if you run out on the other side... we're stuck!!!". He stares up at the Goddess...
To Be Continued... :@
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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