A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Brew Tempest
ONE DAY PENANCE SAMA SENDS EVERY SOLDIER ON A MISSION "Brew rests on a island north of Alaska, inst the past witches hast a construction facility for Demon Tools there. But a accident annihilated the facility.The accident created a magnetic field, rich in Demonic power. Anyone who stays inst too long, willst have their bodies destroyed. The longest anyone canst stay is 20 minutes... it's a battle to obtain brew! and a race against time as well!". A boat with every Soldier raced to the island! Momo spoke to the cold, coat wearing soldiers "The plan is just as we discussed a few days ago, you remember it, right?", Yui replied "Yes♪♪", Zolo replied "?". Momo sighed "While Syd's team suppresses Arachnophobia, we'll head towards the magneticfield, where the Demon Tool is.", Stein added... "However, only Momo and me will go into the field itself. Your mision is to stand outside, until we return. This is going to be a huge battle, but your our best 1 star (and only) Soldiers. So fight with confidence". Kirik leered "I'm on fire, Baby!", meanwhile mosquito heard a insane soldier report Mosquito Sama, Soul Hoshi has landed on the eastern side of the island!". Mosquito leered "Just in time... LET US TAKE BREW FOR ARACHNE SAMA!", the army all cheered! Meanwhile Syd's group walked in the snow... "Don't lose your focus! Because of the magnetic influence, we won't be able to sense souls or use our radios..." Syd warned them. They replied "Yes sir!", one avater was suddenly killed... Syd saw a group of mad soldiers running to them! "Tsk, a ambush huh...". They started fighting them! Meanwhile Giriko was listening to the fighting "So it's begun huh? I came brimming with blood lust, but... this crappy weather is really annoying... (my balls are freezing too).". He turns to the army "ARE YOUR BALLS FREEZING, YOU BASTARDS!!!?", they all roar!!! Giriko turns... he hears music playing "The bass is making me sleepy...", his men and him all yell "WHOAAAAAH!!! GIRIKO SAMA!", "GYAAAAAAAAH!", "BASS!!?". Aizen rode down a mountain! His radio caused a avalanched!!! It covered Giriko's team as he divided the snow before it could touch him! He turns toward Aizen, the Avatar hung off a tree "Oh God... my specially tuned snowmobile got swept away...". Giriko glared "Get down here you noisy moron, I'll turn you into sawdust.", Aizen looked down "So we meet again". Meanwhile the boat made it on the island, Stein explained the details... "Momo and I will be entering the field... standby here and wait for us. If we're not back in 20 minutes, send out a signal for retreat. Then rendezvous with Syd's squad and leave this island. ". Yui asked "What about you and Ms Momo, doctor? Enemies will go into the field too, we'll go into the field and help you!", Kirik retorted "If we enter the field with a lot of people, the battle will only get bigger. If the battle becomes protracted , both sides will be overwhelmed. (And you're ahead of us?)". Stein smiled warmly "Don't worry, if we use Momo's ability. We can be back in 5 minutes, regardless of how many enemies there are. We're off.", Momo gave a thumbs up "Wish us luck!". They walked into the field, a little while later... the soldiers were playing. Yui suddenly spoke to Seirro "The professor's and Ms Momo's soul signatures, disappeared!". Chiba turned towards her, surprised "Would you be able to sense their soul signatures, in a magnetic field like that?". Yui replied "There's alot of noise, so I can barely make it out. But... something's happened!", Chiba walked to the field "Alright, I'll go see what's going on inside. Because I'm a shimigami, the magnetic field probably won't affect me.". Yui freaked out "Wait! It's dangerous to go alone...", Chiba turned "But...", Zolo stood up "We'll go too!". A Mad soldier suddenly threw a shuriken at Yui! Touka blocked it!!! "We're found!", Kirik watched her and Fusagi fight "I can't leave those tits, I mean!!! girls...". He turned to Zolo "Hey, eat this to keep up your stamina.", he handed his friend a candy bar. Zolo smiled "Nice! I'll hang on to it, until we get back!", Kirik yelled "EAT IT". They then bumped fist "Back Soon", Yui, Seirro, Chiba and Zolo then walked up to the field. "Let's go" Yui barked, they walked through the field... Yui came out last behind them, "Fuah... Man are you 2 qui...". She saw what they were staring at, the whole island was fixed. "Huh? From the outside, all the buldings were destroyed... They're fixed... I still can't feel the Dr or Ms Momo's soul signatures, maybe they're in that pyramid...", Yui said. Zolo then shouted "Oi! Look up in the sky!", Seirro, Yui, and Chiba looked up! "That's!", "What is it?", "He shouldn't be able to come out here!". Penance Sama flew over the Soldiers!!!? "Penance Sama, but something feels different about him..." Yui said... Chiba replied "I heard about it in stories, Penance Sama in the grim times... that was his appearance before Soul Hoshi.". They looked around until they came up to a crowd of witches, Zolo watched them "Witches...". Yui chimed "They can't see us???", Chiba explained "Look at them carefully, their forms are blurred... It seems that the strong magnetic field has somehow imprinted on what was going on in the area at the time.". They then saw a familiar witch walking "What is it Yui?" Zolo asks, Seirro starts "That's...", Yui finishes "The Spider Witch, Arachne!". Arachne smiles as she spoke to one of her slaves "Heh, we have lured Penance here quite nicely... Now all that is left to do is, blow this facility up, along with everything related to brew.". Chiba sighed agitated "Asshole...", meanwhile Fusagi made a retreat signal. 20 minutes were up, Syd and his squad left... Momo saw the signal but... She could barley help Stein stand!!! "Stein... what in the... What happened?", Stein thought "ïм ßêïňg fîllëď wïțh ïиşăñìťÿ...". Momo held him as he slid down a wall "Sosuke! Get a hold of yourself!!", Stein spoke as he held his head "Ťħe madnėśς... Whÿ now? îf we can't gët breww!!!?....". Momo asked "Is something happening inside you?", Stein glared at her!!! "ïм ıőşìñģ fðcúş... ùñłhîñkáßıė ťħiňğş àŕē ćőmîñģ łő mïňd...". Chiba, Seirro, Yui and Zolo ran run up to them, "Professor, Ms Momo, are you alright?". Momo shouted "You! What the hell!!!?", her hand started turning into a afterimage! Chiba barked "We still have more than 10 minutes left, we'll look for the Demon Tool!". They ran, Momo tried to stop them, but she noticed both her and Stein's bodies blurring!!! "With my body in this state, if I chase them, I'll just die in vain! I'm going to kill those brats later!". Meanwhile they ran into Mosquito! "I thought I'd find some people from Soul Hoshi, but... you're some really small midgets...", Chiba retorted "Forget about our size, take a look at your body... ". Yui interrupted "You'll be a afterimage! Please run!", Mosquito put brew in his hat... "This body is the same as a human, Eh? I see, I see, Fine I guess, I'll just revert to a younger age...". He suddenly yelled! "GUNENENENENENENENENENENENE!!!!!!", his soul was a mosquito's head shape! His body buffed up!!! "RESPECT YOUR ELDERS!!! THIS IS MY FORM FROM 100 YEARS AGO!". He stood on his giant muscular arms, "With that, I should have another 10 minutes too. It's even.". Zolo asked "But only his upper body got huge, his still has those puny legs... is that how it's suppose to be?", Yui answered "I don't know...", Chiba said "Ask the man himself". Zolo rushed him! "Hand it over gramps! I don't know what it is but, the Demon Tool belongs to the Great Zolo!!! Yeah!!! It belongs to me!!!". He screamed as he violently attacked Mosquito! "We have 10 freaking minutes!!! Even if I release the raidiance of my hand for a second, 10 minutes isn't long! Stop staring and kill the man!!! KIDS we're limiting ourselves to being kids by living leisurely lives!". Yui and Seirro rushed him too, Chiba suddenly opened fire while they attacked! He didn't take any damage... "This is bad, we can't feel eachother's soul wavelengths in this field. The only who can is you, because you're the best at Soul Sensing" Seirro said. Yui answers "What should we do? This isn't someone we can beat, without matching wavelengths", The demon spoke to Seirro, "You know how to convey them... don't you, Evans?". Seirro frowned "Don't call me by my last name.", the demon leered "Come on!! To the black room! We're all waiting for your concert!!!". Meanwhile Momo escaped the field with Stein, she got other soldiers to check him, and turned around to leave "What are you doing Momo...? Just because you've come out of the magnetic field, the effects won't just disappear. You'd judt die... in vain...". Momo yelled "Then what about those kids!!!?", Kirik walked up to her "Leave it to me". Momo streched her arms out! "Fools! Absolutely not! I'm not letting anymore students go in there! If you won't listen to my orders, I'll give you failing marks in every subject! You'll be expelled!", Kirik leered then walked in!!! "Wait... wait a minut!!!", she fell on her knees "What should I do? What if he doesn't come back?. Stein held her hand... "Don't cry Momo... The plan's failure... everything... I'm responsible for it... All of it...", he turned onto his back... "HYAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'M RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL OF IT...." He starts shaking violently!!! "ALL OF IT!!!! HYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!". Meanwhile Mosquito beat all of the Soldiers... he prepared to drink their blood! The demon screamed "This isn't the time to be worrying", Seirro asked "The black blood is in Yui, won't it affect the rest of them this time?". The demon said "The team Soul Resonance, is a indirect connection. Unless they resonate strongly, it won't affect them.". Everyone suddenly heard Seirro thinking to them "Everyone listen, we're doing a team resonance using sound as a medium. Thanks to Yui, I can sense everyone's wavelengths. I'll play the piano in my soul, and it will resonate to your souls...". Everyone laughed! Seirro glared "Damn all of you!!!!", Yui answered "I mean... we were trying to think of a way to get you to play...". Chiba smiled "We don't even have 5 minutes left inside the field, it's too bad we can't take our time listening to it.", Seirro walked into the room... he leered as he sat at the piano... and played... Yui, Chiba and Zolo felt energy flow through them! They then easily beat Mosquito until, Seirro stopped "It's over". Yui looked at Sierro as he stood up from foaming at the mouth... "Why Seirro? ...We KILLED HIM!!!?", Seirro explained irritated "I don't feel like playing now, plus he doesn't die...". Mosquito said "Did you finally realize? You had no chance of winning from the start, for fighting bravely... this time I'll let you go... You should just head back, as payment for me releasing you.". Yui looked upset "After we come this far...", Zolo yelled "FREAKING BLOODY CRAP!!! TO LEAVE LIKE WHIPPED DOGS!!!"! They ran as Mosquito reverted back 200 years ago... They later saw Kirik, "Hurry up, 20 minutes will be over soon...". He noticed Zolo dragging himself!!!? He picked him up... "What's wrong bitch? This isn't like you?", Zolo snapped "Shut up... or I'll break your balls...". Kirik smiled "That's what I'm here for". They walked out of the field Chiba turned towards Momo... "I'm very sorry, we lost the demon tool...", Momo raised her hand to slap them "What a reckless...". She hugged them... "When we get back, you're all getting called to my office. Be prepared!", Zolo thought as he chocked "How come you only got me by the neck!?". Syd picked up Stein then tossed a mirror to Yui, "After we leave the island, use this to give a mission report to Penance Sama". Yui sweetly told Penance Sama, that despite working hard... brew fell into Arachne's hands... MEANWHILE IN BABAYAGA CASTLE, MOSQUITO SPOKE TO ARACHNNE... "It seems that 800 years in the field was too long... Although Brew was Eibon's greatest masterpiece... it seems it couldn't withstand it...", Arachne replied "Explain clearly please". Mosquito explained as sweat poured all over... "It's completely crap...", Arachne closed her fan and slammed it... "I expected as much, Raise your head". Mosquito looked horrified "But 800 years of effort, has come to nothing!", Arachne spoke "It is true I wanted Brew for myself, but Soul Hoshi does not know Brew has been destroyed. It should be enough of a threat hanging over them, since they it is still functional. I will allow them only to have one piece of news, that we obtained that most dangerous tool called brew. That by itself, is a good result". Meanwhile somewhere on earth... "Here, the real brew is here." Mami said as she came to Madoka, the strawberry blonde witch smiled "Arachne you fool... That exposion hid brew well, but Mami and the rest of our spies uncovered brew still exists...". Mami explained how they found it "The spiders guarding the inside the field were not released," (?) "the mizune switched the fake broken brew, for the real one. But how do we keep Soul Hoshi from getting it?". Madoka leered "Remember, we used Ragnoiroc as a spy to place that snake in Momo, let us lose latent insanity. It is not very strong, but for Stein, who is prone to insanity to begin with, it should be plenty.". Madoka thought "I manipulated the whole battle, with one tiny snake... watch Soul Star, Arachnophobia you too... Kinshin! ", meanwhile in a coffee shop in london "Yes... I understand. I'm off", a huge man in a waiter uniform said after he get off his cell... "Eh... where too?" a coworker asks, the man hits his fists together "There's a spy in Soul Hoshi, I'm heading over to buttataki 'em.".
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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