A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
♪Gourmet Food♪
ON A DARK, CALM NIGHT... IN A APARTMENT... A WOMAN FALLS BACKWARDS AND CRABWALKS BACK "Wh... where did you come from!!!?", the shadowy silhouette sat in her window "Sorry to barge in, ever so rudely... Please calm down, Karube San.". She jumped "W... why do you know my name!!?", he interrupted "I don't really want to have to, react violently... if you call the police, someone will end up dead. Karube Misono San, who works at the cafe, in front of the station.". Karube smiles in fear... "Are you insane?", he walks to her "If I said: "That didn't make me feel good", I'd be lying.", he swips his hand to her "Your eyes are sepia. They have a lovely gradiation". Meanwhile Cirris and Touka prepares to train underground... Touka asks "Have you been training?", Cirris replies "Yeah, I've been running and doing pullups, I can't do 100, but I...". Touka punches his stomach!!! He falls over, "You should get more muscle, the "Doves" will refining their counter measures, from now onwards, they're going to be more dangerous... I need to get stronger too...", Cirris stood up "You'll be fine... since you have Rize's Kagune..." she says. Cirris stares at his hand "Yeah... but I want to keep from using it as possible, I think I shouldn't use a power, I can't control. This current me can't use this power to protect people, I only hurt them break crap... I'd hate to, since I want to help people everytime.". Touka answers "What do you mean??? Next time, you going to fight barehanded?", Cirris smiles "I'll try fighting like you, if I can move like you do, I won't cause unnecessary injuries.". Touka replied "Hmmmph, that's a waste... If you wanna become like me, it's impossible unless you can do something like a backflip.", Cirris repeats "Backflip...". Yomo suddenly walks in the tunnel and sees Touka pulling Cirris over her, "Shit...", the man says, Touka sighs "Shut up...". She notices "Yomo san?! Ah, hello there.", Yomo asks "...What are you guys playing?". Touka replied "It's special training, for backflips.", Yomo then said "Cirris...". He turns "Y... yes sir?", he falls off her as Yomo replied "Your dodging has more or less improved, but everything else is bad.". Cirris replied "Yeah... got fucked up bad...", Yomo takes his coat off "Stand up, try hitting me for a while.". Cirris stood "How'll I... It'll be a insult, not to fight..." he thought... then suddenly rushed "Sorry!". He punched, Yomo dodges "If you miss, quickly throw another one.", Cirris punched again, Yomo ducks "Use your legs too.". Touka stares "He'll never make it like that..." Cirris kicks, Yomo caught his legs "That's no good.", he flips Cirris over "You're not using your hips, and the blows are too light.". Yomo looks at Touka "Touka. You join as well...", Touka smiles "...How nostalgic, it's been a while since I trained with you, Yomo San.", she stands up "Is it okay for us both to try together?". She looks at his Game face "That look... it says: "It's fine, so come on already"!", she whispered to Cirris "Stand up, we're going for a all out attack!". They both rush him, Touka slices at him, Yomo dodged then ducks as she kicked, knocking the weakling down!!! Yomo then punched the woman out!!! Yomo then says "Touka. If you've been training, then drive it deeper down into your foundation. Also, don't eat unnecessary things. It slows your movements down too much.", he left... Cirris thought "I can't compete with him at all... He barely cared that a hole was in him... I'll try harder... Come to think of it... why was here in the first place?". Meanwhile... Karube walks through the streets, everyone backs up from her as she cries "Uuuh... Help me... someone..." they look at eyeholes, blood and tears pour from her eyesocket!!! "I can't see anyhing...". The next day in Anteiku... The news came on... "It is thought to be the work of the Gourmet Vampire, based on the criminal profile.", Mira asks "That guy's been more active, since Rize died... hasn't he?". Cirris looks "He's on the CCV posters as well...". The doorbell dings... "Welcome..." Touka starts... When she sees Tsukiyama!!! "Hmm... what a nice smell... As I thought, this place has really calmed down...", he waves "Long time, no see Toni San♡". Touka glares "..Why are you here?", Tsukiyama smiles "Oh no... Can't I just come to see your faces for a while? You're as cold as ever, Toni San... well.. that's whats appealing about you, though.". Touka glares "You're so creepy, you smug fag.", he suddenly notices... "A guy with a eyepatch... it's you? You're the tough boy who could repel the investigator...". Cirris replies "I'm Cirris... (Tough Boy?)", Tsukiyoma runs circles around the man, sniffing him... "Cirris Kun, hmm? You're alot more delicate looking, than I expected.". He suddenly notices... "What a mysterious♡ scent...", "Oi!!!" he turns to see Touka yelling "You're in the way, and you're a asshole! So hurry up and go already!!!". Tsukiyoma sighs "...You're completely inelegant....", he walks out "Next time, I'll come to drink some coffee, leisurely. When Yoshimura is around too... See you Cirris Kun, let's meet again.". Cirris turns "Who was that?", "A nuisance to the 20th ward, you shouldn't get involved with that guy... he's troublesome..." Touka answered. That evening, Tsukiyoma arrives at a mansion... "Yo.", the waiter greets him "I have been waiting for you.". The gourmet holds up a package "Tell the chef to saute this.", the waiter bows "Very well sire...". Later, Tsukiyoma sat in a restaurant, he stuck his fork in a sated eyeball as other vamps spoke around him... "What a esquisite color...", he ate a slice "Cirris Kun of Antieku, hmm... I can't stop thinking of that... intoxicating scent...". The next morning, Tsukiyama walks by a Academy... "So this is Soul Hoshi Kamii, huh? I was certain, that "he" works here...", Meanwhile, Cirris drops meat cubes, into his coffee and drinks... "Shit... Why is this the only shit I can drink...". He suddenly hears "Cirris Kun.", he turns to see Tsukiyama, sitting on the bench table "Yo." . Cirris jumps then greets him "Hello... er...", the gourmet sat down on the other side "Tsukiyama Shuu.", He smiles "Is it okay, if I sit down?", Cirris smiles "Sure... Um... Why are you here? D...". Tsukiyama leers "To meet you... How would you feel, if I really meant that?", the weakling looks surprised "I don't know...". He then thought "Tsukiyama Shuu, the gourmet... I wonder why he's here? What's he thinking?", the vampure then asks "A book on martial arts? That is surprising for you... You look like the skinny/creepy type, who'd read porn manga". Cirris replies "Usual... usually, but I picked up a new interest... Because I have to fight alot now...", Tsukiyama smiles "I see, but to have a feeling of self protection? But if that's the only reason, you'll get bored nomatter what.". Cirris answers "I am getting bored... But when I do read at random... sometimes I find things that're interesting, and I'd be able to understand it, and whenever it's referenced to later... So life becomes interesting if I want it to...", Tsukiyama answers "I can understand that, you're able to enjoy everything on a deeper level, once you voluntarily learn what you vie for... When it comes to books, the closer the reader's way of thinking, is to the writer, the more deeply they'll relish their work.". He closes his eyes "If you can see from the scrawling hand's point of view, then I consider it to be exciting and moving.", Cirris asks "You really like books?". Tsukiyama replies "It's only when I'm immersed in the world of the book, that I can forget myself and everything else. Writing in fiction, such as games and manga, help me through difficult times as well...". Cirris remembers before he left Birmingham... Tsukiyama interrupts his thought "I heard you like porn alot though..." Cirris answers "Yeah... I'm trying to stop being a pervert... my girlfriend started acting like one, because I was such a terrible one...". Tsukiyama stood "I can help you, I know a place, that'll let you be yourself, be free with your thoughts, but also help you with your... "obsession"...", Cirris smiles "...What kinda...", Tsukiyama replied "How about this, let's go together next time? I'll help you have a more... "Normal" relationship with your girl...". Cirris stares "I want to stop giving a creepy signal from my soul... but, I don't know if I can trust him...Touka said to stay away... and I can't feel that I can trust...", Tsukiyama interrupts his thought again "It's something Toni Sn said, isn't it?". Cirris jumps "No... it's...", Tuskiyama smiles "No, it's fine, I understand... I assume I'm friends with everyone, when I see them, unfortunately... Everyone else is put off, as a result, I'm out of the loop of what happens. And I may seem "creepy" to the other vampires... Ah, if Kamishiro San were alive, I'd at least have a friend...". Cirris looks terrified as the man continued "But I felt a feeling that was similar to her, from you... there arent alot of Vamps who reads books... However, all I wanted was a friend I could discuss we liked in a quiet place...", he got up "Sorry for disturbng you... good day...". Cirris stood up "If you'd like to talk to me, then...", Tsukiyama quickly turns "I said goo... Wait... Thanks, I thought you'd say that!♪ Let's meet in front of the station, 3 days from now!", Cirris replied "OK!". Leter he walks to his apartment "Dammit... I DO have his friend, in me... I feel so bad... no wonder he got the same feeling... I wonder hiw he knew her though, I hope he doesn't try to...". He notices he walked to the Anteiku... "I came here unconsciously...", Yomo walks up "Oi.". Cirris turns "Mr Yomo... hey...", the vampire then asked "What're you doing here?". Cirris replies "I forgot it was closed today... did you need something?", Yomo replied "I was only passing by..." he then remembers something "You want to come along with me?". Cirris asks "For "food"?", Yomo answers "No. I'm going to meet someone, but that person randomly demanded to meet you...", the vampire added "But you don't have to come along, it's troublesome, isn't it?". Cirris then asks "What kinda person is it?", Yomo thought then said "...What kind... .......................................................What kind...". He thought then says "...um... I would like to try meeting them, since they requested it..." Cirris answers "I see...". They later to the 14th Ward... they walk into a rundown mall... and go up to a hallway... Cirris looks at the sign... "Is this a bar? I don't drink...", he reads the sign "It's closed?". Yomo replies "They're probably inside.", Cirris smiles "Oh... I see...". A face suddenly appears from the door!!!! "Ï'М АN ÕŁĎ LĄĎŸ!!!!!!!!". Cirris falls backward as the masked vampire laughs "Hyhahahaha!!! U San, this mask is the best! Also... who's the kid?" , Uta replies "It's only a prototype I made a long time ago... But it's pretty good, huh?". Yomo glared "Itori, cut it out.", she smiles "Sorry, Rin Chan.", Uta looks down "Cirris Kun... long time no see... Is my mask, serving you well?". Cirris replies "Yes... Very well...", Itori takes off her mask "Cirris? Oh, this is one kid I mentioned before! Eyepatch Kun, from Anteiku!". They all go into the bar... "Well well... It's my bar, so you can relax here, Cirrus Kun!", Cirris sighs "Sorry... it's my 1st time being in a shop like this...". She laugh "But I'm really happy, that you came to meet me, Cirrhosis. Both Rin Chan and U Chan were talking about you!", Uta smiles "When you ordered a mask...". She continues "If I remember correctly, they both said you were cunning.", she looks up "Anyway, Rin Chan, as always, you look sloppy! Shave your beard, and weren't you wearing those same clothes 1o years ago?", Yomo sighs"...Leave me alone". Itori then says "It must be tough for you, eh, Circus Kun? Being so close to such a troublesome guy.", Cirris replies "No... I was saved by him... So I have to apologize to him...". She looks at him... then hugs the man tightly!!! "He has the kind of puere heart, we already lost!", Cirris thought as he's squished into her breasts "I'm trying to...". Uta replied "I am pure too now...", Cirris tries to get her to let go... "Um... Have you knew eachother for a long time?". Itori let's go and points to Uta "Yep, we all have a undesired yet, inseparable relationship, since Rin Chan came to the 4th Ward.", Cirris looks terrified "The 4th Ward, one of the uninhabital ones..." he thought. She then says "Rin Chan and Uta Chan didnt get along, at all.". Cirris jumps in surprise "Really?!", she says "It's because of these 2, the 4th Ward, was a bigger wreck than it is nowdays... It caused me alot of trouble...". Uta smiles "Sorry, I was in my teens...", Rin added "...Seems like he was a completely different person now.". Uta closed his eyes "Now we get along well, don't we, don't we?", Yomo replied "Who knows?". Uta adds "A long time ago, Rinji Kun was like Touka Chan is now.", Itori yells "He was! They both match on how they went on rampages themselves!". Yomo stares "...That's enough talk about me Even that was too much. Idiots.", Itori and Uta tilt there heads "Oh, he got mad.", "He's mad.". Yomo then asks "Didn't you have a reason, for wanting to meet him?", she turns "Oh! That's right!". She pours "wine" into a glass "Here.". Cirris freaks "Uh...", Itori smiles "You can relax, it's not alcohol.". Cirris looks at the glass "It' not... wine. It's more cloudy than that...", he then asks "Is this blood?". She replied "Pretty much!" and dumps it on him!!! Cirris sighs... "I didn't to drink blood... nor eat any human, but now I'm covered in them...", Uta looks "Itori San, you are rude...". She smiles excitedly "Uhyoh! Amazing! That's the 1st time, I've seen a" (Cirris looks up) "1 Eyed Vamp!!!". Cirris closed his eye as she leers "You don't have to hide it here, there are only vamps here, right now, hmmm♪.", She tilts her head "I wonder if that "Other 1 Eye" has the same feeling. Huh, Rin San?", Rin sighs "Who knows?". Cirris turns toward her "Is there another One eyed Vampire???", she gives the man a towel "Oh, you're curious about that? Cirrostratus Kun". She crossed her fingers, then made a fucking gesture "What do you think would happen, if a Human and Vamp, mixed?", Cirris replies "A half Human and Vampire? A Human with Vampiric powers?". Itori looks upset "No... The baby would die: In the 1st place, if the father was a vamp and the mother was a human, the baby wouldn't get enough nutrients and would die... And if the mother was a vamp and the father a human... The mother's body would absorb the baby... as nutrients...", Cirris looks horrofied as she then said "There's less than 1chance, that a baby might be born... Though if it does, it'll create a hybrid... You heard of those, right?". Cirris asks "Like what they have on TV, the liger has the best qualities of the lion and tiger.", she smiles "There's a legend, that there's 1, 1 eyed vamp... It has the powers, the best parts of both Human and vamp! But it's only has 1 red eye!". Cirris asks "I wonder how... I want to...", Itori leered "You can't talk to them... There has only been bad stories surrounding the 1 eye... Though only few people know about it.". Cirris then asked "Few people... no wonder Nishio didn't know...", she smile "Nishio, the perm nerd of Soul Hoshi Kamii, he's young, so he wouldn't know... the story's more of a urban legend... Not many know about it!". Cirris tilted his head "Oh... I was kinda wondering why no one knew about such a huge legend... I got my eye from when Rize died... But nobody said anything about owl...", Itori leers "You think Rize, just died? Didn't you think her "surprising death" wasnt suspicious???". Yomo glares as she smiles "The way all those steel beams just randomly fell on her... don't you think it was suspicious at all?", he then says "That's enough!". Cirris stares "Who... who would do something like that? Why... why would they?", Itori leered "I don't know... I do know, that it's strange that she "died" in a "accident" and so happen to HAD to have her body parts transplated into you... Who knows... maybe your Houtentai did it? Or did you want to be Rize? How did her parts work so easily for you, why did they need to operate instead of just letting her blood in you?". Itori pours blood into a glass "But... I don't not know, this... I know information from humans and Vamps... I won't not help you, But I'll need something in return...", Cirris asks "What???". She asks "Tsukiyama has been following you lately, right?", she whispered in his ear "Go find information, on the Vampire Restaurant". He looks surprised "Vampire Restaurant?", she replied "That's right, you heard about those: "Secret Societies" right? I heard customers grumbling :"I'd do anything to get in", I know these clubs exist in the metropolitan area, but it's a well guarded secret. However Gourmet Kun, seems like the type that would know about it. So I was wondering wheteher the quickest way, would be to rely on you. Since you seem to be Tsukiyama's pet, see? To clarify, I have concerns abot the customers, and you can find out what you want to know. Everyone would be happy...", later... Cirris walks to his apartment... "Who was behind the falling steel incident? If she wants information, then... I'll have to indirectly ask him next time... no, if it's a secret, then it must be kept secret...". The man looks up... "??"...
To Be Continued... :#
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