AFTER THE DEFEAT OF HARUKA, THE SOUL HOSHI SOLDIERS RELAX... MEANWHILE IN SPACE... ANOTHER IBLIS REMEMBERS HIS LATE BROTHER... "Salsa, what's happening on Haru's ship?" the Iblis asks, his sex slave kneeled as he walks by "Your brother's having a sweet Rave party, Tachibana, sir!". Tachibana turns around "Muerte Suerte¡ He didn't invite me?! That meanie!!! I won't tell him that he probably doesn't have any chips and dip, then...", he spins around and glares at his slaves... Now, Yui, Mira, Fusagi and Kirik set up camp in Hoshi woods! "Awesome!!! This is going to be so fun♪!" Yui chimed, Mira adds "Yeah! Even though we're city people, and... Living in that cruddy academy building's any different than sleeping out doors...". Fusagi glares at Kirik... "But why does he need to come?!", Kirik laughed "Are ya racist or somethin'?! Brotha like camping, too!". She turns around "I'm not racist, it's just that it was going to be just us BFFs together! And now you're following!", Kirik laughed "You BFFs are girls! I'm not sexist or anythin' like that! But, 3 girls shouldn't be in tha woods alone!". Yui smiled as Mira leers "Ah, you don't think we can kill like you can, huh? Don't you forget: we're all murderers, nobody can hurt us!". Kiril shrugged his shoulders "The rapist could be a murderer/cannibal/shark or something, you'll NEED some strong black dude out here ta help you!", Yui cheered as she set up the camp site "I'm glad he came, I wish everyone could've!". Mira sighs "Nobody else wanna stay out and get bitten... But I'm happy you still enjoy this junk...", Yui hops to her "Yeah, it's so much fun to get fresh air! Especially since we hafta train indoors alot!". Unbeknownst to the friends, Tachibana was having a stroke because of what he learned... " brother's dead?!". Salsa kneels "Yes master Tachibana... It seems as if he was killed by a superhuman or somethin' But, the people who summoned her, are still alive on earth!" Salsa says! Tachibana wipes his eyes "Then... I shall avenge that sweet, lovely, kind, honest, hot♡ man, by using my powers against those wretched earthlings! Let's go to Earth!". Meanwhile... Yui, Mira Fusagi and Kirik were finishing cooking dinner! "Awesome, beans and wienies!" Yui cheered, Mira stares at the food "We shoulda bought something else...". Kirik laughs "You don't wanna eat a wiener?!", Fusagi burns him! He jumps "Ow, fugly bitch!". She yelled "Stop!!! We're going to eat dinner, then rest! No inuendos!", Kirik laughs "Yall girls want some wiener though, why else would you actually bring hotdogs here?!". Mira sighed "Because this is all we had at the academy: we should of bought something else though... If I eat this crap again, I'm gonna...". They hear a strange whistling coming from the woods!!! Yu stood "Monsters?", Fusagi glares "No... Sense the energy...". The soldier glares as a familiar feel struck through her... "Haru?!", Mira frowns as she stands too "But, we saw and felt him die... Not you... but we're telling the truth: "Princess" killed him!", Fusagi shook "Then how?!". Yui stared "Maybe... someone wished him back... so... he could apologize?". Mira stares at her "No, I'm 85% sure he's here to kill us, the last 15% is that he wants to have sex with girls for once...", Kirik stared "A possibly gay monster is coming to invade earth?!", Fusagi replies "Yes, he made innuendos at me too... I think he's bisexual, he just prefer men over women...". She turns "But he'll want to ki... Kirik?!", the blackboy was nowhere to be found... Yui turns back towards the forest "He's gonna mss Haru apologizing! Let's go talk to him♪!" she skips to his lamp! Mira and Fusagi chased after her! Later they arrive at a clearing made by his lamp... 3 gays float out of it... "Hi♪... Wait, you're different from Haru's men?" Yui says, Salsa leered "It's them! Salad and Cilantro, let's make them pay!", Salad laughs "Hell yeah!", Cilantro adds "I'm going to rape you!!!". They flew at the teens!!!! Yui, Mira and Fusafi try to fight off Salad, Salsa and Cilantro but were beaten back by quickly moving monsters, and Tachibana... He steps out of his lamp and watched the fight... "It seems as if they have them on the ropes... but I shall make sure!" he randomly fires laser eyes beams into the forest, catching the girls off guard! Yui bends backward then backflips away from the beam! Fusagi uses "PSI Magnet Shield!" to block it as she continues fighting Cilantro, Mira is knocked into the river by there campsite, and looks up to see Salad step back and talk to someone walking out of the forest and into the clearing... She floats up to see Tachibana "Who the fuck is that?! It looks like a gayer version of Haruka!" she wonders aloud... Tachibana smiles "Ah, luck's on my side! One the bitches who killed my delecious brother is float right there, to be shot!', he fires his eye beams again! Yui quickly flung in front of her, and is struck!!! Mira holds her to keep the girl from following straight to the ground as she caught ablaze!!! Tachibana laughed "Find them, FIND THEM¡ Heeheeheehahahaha!", Salsa laughs too! "Yes sir, Master Tachibana!", him and his friends charge into the forest!!! Meanwhile, Fusagi notices Yui's energy dropping FAST and ran to the cave with Mira and Yui!!! She stares at her friend "Wh... what happened to Yui?!" she asks, Yui giggles "I thought you were goi... to say you, but...". Fusagi sighs "Yui! You're hurt bad, or you wouldn't be making lame jokes... None of those weaklings coulda did THIS!", Mira explains "No... it was another Iblis... one that looked like Haru! He was trying to kill me, but Yui took the shot!". Fusagi holds Yui "I have a idea... I'll use my PSI magnet shield to absorb any other energy attacks and fight those idiots off... you hurry to Stein and get some Soulfood for Yui!", Mira replies "I'll hurry back... shit, the fucking Academy's so far away...". She stood as Kirik came to the cave "Oh shit... I thought you bitches were dead!!!", Fusagi glares "You fricking, chuck!!! You left us to be killed!". He stuttered "! I was lookin' for em... An... anyway...", he struck a fighting pose "I heard what happened, and I'm gonna stay here!". Mira laughs "We'll see, blacky...", then sneaks away... meanwhile Salsa, Salad and Cilantro screams over the forest "WHERE THA FUCK ARE YA GIRLS?!", "Where're you hidin'!???", "I want to be in your holes, fuck it!!!". Salad laughed "Wait, if we destroy the forest, we'll find them: right?!", Cilantro cheered "Then we can fuck them!". Salsa sighed "No, we KILL them! Master Tachibana is going to destroy the world anyway, so we might as well!". They start firing randomly into the forest, Kirik and Fusagi watched as many trees and animals are destroyed in the heavy fire... Meanwhile, Mira flies back to Hoshi City... she looks up at the now dark sky... "I bet they died 8 times over by now...", she limped into the academy... Stein was luckly standing in the hallways, working on something... Mira ran to him "Stein!", he jumps "Oh fuck!!!! (ahem)". He turns around "Mira... Why did you make me shit myself?", she replies "I... I...", the teen covers her face as she continues "I need Soulfood... Monsters attacked and Yui's hurt BAD!". He glares "Should I come, too?", she replies "No... She could kill them all if she was at full power: we were ambushed...". He sighs in relief "Ah, here... A potato, Watermelon... and Cauliflower!", Mira smiles "Thanks!". Momo comes from the lab, "Here, take this too!" She threw a Onion at her! Stein sighed "Dammit, I already gave her alot!", his "wife" retorts "Well she might need another! We're growing these for them, so if they're in danger: we should give it to them!". Stein yells "I don't wanna waste 'em, she just fucking said Yui could do it, herself!", Momo yells "What if everyone needed Soulfood!?". Mira laughs as she ran out "Byeee!", she tries to go back... "Dammit!!! I'll need to eat some just to get over there... um... which one?". She quickly cooks and eats the Potato! "Mmmm! It taste like a huge fry!". Mira then quickly flew off into the forest!!! The next day, many animals have gathered in the cave to hide from the explosions... Fusagi slept on a unconscious Yui, and Kirik slept on a deer and under a kamodo dragon... The psychic wakes up "Huh... we... we made it?!", she feels Yui's neck and wrist... Kiril gets up "Get the fuck off, you creepy ass lizard fucker!" the kamodo dragon ran away... he then turns toward Fusagi "Is she still alive?!", the girl jumps "Wha?! Oh yeah... she's still fine!". Kirik leers "Or... you just wanted to feel her up, huh?", Fusagi glared "I was feeling her pulse!". The teen laughs "You were on her all night, you could hear her heart beat, there's no reason to feel anythi...", Fusagi hits him "Shut up, you freaking pervert...". She then sighed "I hope Mira gets back soon...". Meanwhile Mira makes it to the forest, then is ambushed by Salsa "Oh shit, looks like the bitch has got muerte suerte¡", Salad adds "Hell yeah! Goin' for help, and all you found was us!!!". Thry start firing at her, Mira dodges and tries to head to Yui!!! "Shit, if I drop the Soulfood, it's over! But I probably could at least beat those idiots, myself!", she dodged attacks until a surprise attack hits her!!! Mira fell backwards holding the Soulfood... As Cilantro walks to her "Ohho shit, mu favorites: Girls clutching something dearly, as they get assraped!", Salad sighs "We should just kill her, dude...", Salsa agrees "Yeah hombre, do you need every hole you find¿". Cilantro looks sad... "Yeah man, c'mon! Help a brother, man!", Salsa picks up Mira, "Alright, as long as she doesn't let go of that food... it should be kinda easy... don't touch me with your dick though, you already have gohrreah!". Cilantro laughs "Don't worry, I just wanna try a girl hole, once!", Mira sighed "And... I might need to drop the damned food I spent a entire day to get!", a beam suddenly tore through Salad and Cilantro!!! Salsa drops Mira, and looks up to see Kyubey floating over them!!! Mira looks up "Kyuby!!!", he leered "Hurry to your friend, I will surely kick these idiots' asses!". Mira ran as Salsa leaped to Kyubey!!! The wolf easily dodges his attack, Salad leaped behind him too and fires, Kyubey backflip(?) over Salad punched his neck!!! Salad held the nape of his neck as Cilantro flies to Kyubey, too! "I'm GONNA RAPE YOU!!!" he grows long stretchy arms around the wolfman and tries to squeeze him!!! Kyubey laughs "Surely, you cannot keep me in a bearhug!!!", he lets him wraps his arms around him... Then flexed!!! Cilantros fucking arms snap off!!! The monster freaked and flew away!!! Kyubey chased until Salad dove at him, the wolf leers as the monster punched through his body???? Salad stops "Wait a fuck? ...It shouldn't of went trough that easily!?", Kyubey pulls him in half!!!!? "That's what I was thinking, "he wouldn't fall for a magical image THAT easily, right?'. Salsa freaks as he watched his boyfriend being torn!!! "Salad, no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|", he dives at Kyubey, the wolf bavkflips over him and punched him deep into the forest!!!! Then laughs "I surely learned something too, Magic's awesome!!!", he stretched his arms through the forest and grabs Salsa and the hiding Cilantro!!! He crushes the already bleeding monster in pieces!!! Salsa stares "My Husband!!!", Kyubey leers "Now, for...". A beam goes through his chest!!! Kyubey falls as Tachibana walks behind him "Muerte Suerte... I lost 2 of my favorite bitches...", Salsa kneels "M...master... that thing killed them so fast.... I...". Tachibana kneels to him and holds his soft cheeks... "My precious, lovely Salsa, don't cry... I have found where the evil bitches are hiding, thanks to Lady luck shining on me... They're in the only untouche part of the forest... come...", Salsa stood as cum runs down his legs... They float away... meanwhile, Mira finds the cave "Alright! I have Soulfood for everyone!". Kirik cheered "Chicken wangs!?", the demongirl sighed "Stein can only GROW Soulfood... it won't be meat, or any other stuff tha...". They suddenly hear a yell!!! "Stop, troglodyte!!!!", Salsa fires a beam at the bag of Soulfood!!! They watch in horror as it burns up!!! Yui stares "I... ...So... hungry...", she and her friends look up to see Salsa and Tachibana floating over them!!! "You'll pay for what you've done!", Fusagi glares "No you'll pay... C'mon, there's 3 of us and 2 gays men, we can beat 'em!". She noticed Kirik already heading off into te background... "Freaking penis!!!". Salsa drops to the ground and charged at the girls!!! They fight back as Tachibana watches, the monster starts winning as he moves much faster than the girls!!! "How the chuck is this idiot so fricking fast?!" Fusagi seethed, Mira glared "If he wasn't, we woulda beat him already! If we could just get ONE hit!!!". Tachibana fucking cheats and fires two beams at the fighters!!! Fusagi's knocked far away, Mira is slammed into the cave! "Good! My luck is going for the better!" the iblis says, "Now, finish them... Salsa marched to Mira as Tachibana now jacks off... Mira crawls to Yui... "I put this in my pocket, because the damned watermelon took too much room... Eat it, Yui..."...she gave the onion to Yui... the soldier ate it... Salsa marched inside the cave, then was blown out fabulously, by a huge burst of everlasting power!!!! Yui stepped outside as Tachibana stares "Are you... the one who killed my precious brother... Haruka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?", Yui replies "No... my friends said "someone else" killed him, but... you're really not him? You look alot alike♪!". He laughs "Oh yes, thank you! I'm Iblis Tachibana, or Tachi! I've come to avenge him, and will kill you and your friends for hurting my brother!". Yui smiles "I'm sorry... I never meant for that to happen...", she then asks, sadly "We could bring him back? Then we could all be friends?!". Tachibana screamed "NOOOO! You try to turn him to a zombie?! No, he shant live like that... but I understand: you want to be friends and make amends, correct?", he holds Kyubey's limp body over her... "I shall give you back your friend, here: catch!". He tosses him at Yui, she holds her arms out but stares in horror to see him shoot Kyubey off in midair!!! "You meanie!!!!" Yui yells, Tachibana laughs "Ha.... hahahaha! I know I am, but you... you're a bitch! You kill my brother, and expect to have ANYONE you love, alive?!". Yui leaps at the Iblis, they fight!!! Her friends could only watch as Yui punched at the monster, Tachibana easily dodges and swung!!! Yui grabs his fist and throws him through the dirt!!! Tachibana burrows under the ground and flies out under Yui!!! She flipkicks his head, the Iblis grabs her leg and swings her in circles!!!! Yui axekicked him into a tree!!! He flips off the broken trunk and fires many beams!!! Yui flies around them, and hammerfists his head!!! Tachibana looks up and grabbed her arms!!! Yui kicks!!! his tail grab her leg!!! Yui smiles as she pulls his grip loose from her arms by slinging her leg down!!! He slams hard through the earth!!!! Then leaps back up through the river!!! Yui lands on a rock in the same stream... Tachibana laughs as he stood up under a waterfall... "Yes... I see why my brother was defeated... Me and him used to have sex ALOT before he looked for the Whitemagic Lamps.... but after he started searching... we never spoke... this entire time... he never trained either.", Yui stares "...". He leered "Ah... it's surprising?! Our love was above eveyone else! He never needed training, but me... I wanted to see my fighting potential too... so I ended up reaching a form beyond 100% Iblis!!!! 700%!!!", he shouted!!! Yui steps back as pressure breaks the stones out of the river, and cracks the earth surrounding them!!!! He then grew 10ft tall!(?) and grew long, sharp fangs!!! His eyes glowed red, and a "crown" grew from his head!!! His gem, turns green as he says "I shall dine a girl soup!!!", a mask covers his mouth!!! He then charged at Yui!!! She tries to attack as he swings rapidly, Yui tries to block but is beaten away by his rapid punches!!! She uses "Kaio Soul!!!", then tries to attack as he easily shifted side to side, he suddenly vanished!!!? Yui looks around, then is elbowed in the head!!! She turns to attack, but he disappeared... "I don't want to try my "Princess" form... I'd hate to kill him... I hafta keep holding back, nomatter what..." she thought as she looks around, until she bumps into him!!! "If you killed my brother... I'm very upset... something THIS weak shouldn't be able to even scratch the beautiful man... but alas...", he axekicked her into the ground "I'm here, because my luck has lead me to you, and it's the same luck that will destroy you and this damn world!!!!". He picks Yui up, and grinds her against the mountain behind them, then into the ground!!! He kicks her under, Yui tears up under a lake and flies up.... her dress is torn off, revealing her bandages.... she breathes heavily... "I have to try harder... before...". Tachi already appears in front of the girl and kicks her into a mountain, Yui tries to move but is kicked further inside!! Tachi then floats backwards as he says "I see you've fainted... that is why I'm overlord of space!!!" he lifts his hand, tearing up the forest!!! "No one else can compare, especially the one who killed my precious lover!!!" he lifts his other hand, further destroying the forest!!! Yu tries to get up, when a dying bird falls in front of her!!! She looks sad at the animal and holds it... "No... they'll die... if... if I..." she remembers Fusagi dying in Genie World, then cries out!!!! Tachibana looks down in curiosity as the bird's revived and flies away "Wha... what is this?!", "Princess" looks up at the Iblis, her now have a battlehardened murderous glare... "You asshole...", Tachibana floats backward "You crazy bitch, you have no right to say shit...". She appears by him!!! "Your brother is a murderous asshole, that only enjoyed other men's holes! He never truly cared about anyone other than himsrlf and what he could stick his dick in, like you!!!", the Iblis freaked "He was a precious beautiful...". Princess punched his stomach, Tachibana kneels in pain and floats backward... "(cough) I'm the strongest being in the universe, I won't let the same assassin who killed him, destroy me!!!". She leered "Then we'll play by your rules, the strongest wins....", she laughs as her ki pushed him back!!!! "Right, Tachi?". Tachibana glared and charged at the woman, she easily shifts away from every swing "You freaking jerk, you're just making..." she chops his neck!!! Tachibana gags until she grabs then tears off a arm, too!!! He screams in horror then flies high over the Princess!!! "Alright... You wanna be like that!!!", he creates a huge, green sparkling ball of light!!! "I gather energy ALOT faster than my brother! Now my Lucky ball will destroy you and this damned planet!!!", He throws it down to her!!! "Princess" let's it come down and uses "Soulmeha!!!", Tachibana laughs "Even a Superhuman couldn't stop my Lucky Balls, no one can resist my huge balls off pleasuring potential, perfect performance and particular power! The luck shining off them, shall illuminate my success!", "Princess" easily pushes his Lucky ball back!!! Tachibana angrily stares at his "fruits" coming back!!! "No!!!! Lady luck is own my side, my lucky ball shant fail me!!! My Good Suerte shall be on my side, as I push it back and destroy her!!!", he grabs it... but is pushed up into the sky!!!? "What!!!? I... I can't move out of the force, either!!!!". He tries to move as he felt another burning sensation behind him!!! "What is that?! The sun¡ Shit, why is this happening to me?!"... he remembers Haru's sweet rave party... then not going to give him chips and dip... "Oh... I should've just came: if I talked to him, I would've seen if he forgot my invitation... he probably meant to invite me, too.... Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!" he's burned up between his Lucky Ball and the sun!!! Earth darkens out, but is relit... Yui lies on the ground, passed out from the sudden burst of power and anger... She then wakes up... "Wha...", Fusagi holds her up "You did it, Yui♡!". The girl giggles "Thanks... Lucky thing... Mira still had a Onion...", Mira and Kirik come up... "I'm glad you're okay!", "Me too! I was goin' to get help, but you done took care of...". Mira yells "Shut up!!! You creepy fuck! Why the hell you ran? We fight monsters all the time!", he stuttered "Girl, my assholes for shitting, not poking!". The demon girl sghs "Ours too! But...", she's interrupted by Salsa!!!! "Hahaha! You might've hurt master, but you'll never get away from me!!!" The friends stare as he laughs, "Hahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhaaaaa!". A spell suddenly came and tore his heart in pieces?!!! Mira smiles as she felt the familiar soul... "Kyubey!!!", she and Yui cheer "Thanks Kyubey♪!". Meanwhile, he smiles as he drinks water from a river!!! Heheheh.... Surely they love a cool action hero!!!".
I'd like to apologize: I intended to post the Valentine's Day chapter on Valentine's day, but couldn't.... If you're wondering why it doesn't line up... it's because of me forgetting to, thanks to "events" hopefully the rest will be posted on correct holidays.
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